Barbachán, S., (2018). Identification, Translation and Communication of Food Quality Attributes in the NPD Process : From Concept Development to the Launch of New Food Products [Tesis, Wageningen University & Research].
Barbachán, S., Identification, Translation and Communication of Food Quality Attributes in the NPD Process : From Concept Development to the Launch of New Food Products [Tesis]. NL: Wageningen University & Research; 2018.
@mastersthesis{renati/1292, title = "Identification, Translation and Communication of Food Quality Attributes in the NPD Process : From Concept Development to the Launch of New Food Products", author = "Barbachán Osorio, Stephanie Maricruz", publisher = "Wageningen University & Research", year = "2018" }
Title: Identification, Translation and Communication of Food Quality Attributes in the NPD Process : From Concept Development to the Launch of New Food Products
Other Titles: Atributos de la calidad alimentaria en el desarrollo de nuevos productos : Desde el desarrollo del concepto hasta el lanzamiento en el mercado
Abstract: Se realizó una revisión literaria y encuestas en linea a expertos en calidad alimentaria y desarrollo de productos para investigar cómo las empresas alimentarias multinacionales identifican atributos de calidad en la fase de desarrollo de conceptos, traducen atributos de calidad en especificaciones, y comunican atributos de calidad a consumidores.