Citas bibligráficas
Sobrino, P., (2022). Programa de actitudes transdiciplinarias en los docentes de la Institución Educativa Hermánn Buse de la Guerra, N° 1073, distrito de Pueblo Libre – 2015 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle].
Sobrino, P., Programa de actitudes transdiciplinarias en los docentes de la Institución Educativa Hermánn Buse de la Guerra, N° 1073, distrito de Pueblo Libre – 2015 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle; 2022.
title = "Programa de actitudes transdiciplinarias en los docentes de la Institución Educativa Hermánn Buse de la Guerra, N° 1073, distrito de Pueblo Libre – 2015",
author = "Sobrino Yauri, Patricia Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research work was titled: Program of transdisciplinary attitudes in teachers of the Hermánn Buse de la Guerra Educational Institution, No. 1073, district of Pueblo Libre - 2015, it is a topic of great importance for the institution, which seeks promote the teaching attitude. That allows them to achieve the capabilities that they can put into practice in their academic life. It is an applied research with a quasi-experimental design, we worked with a census sample with a total of 64 teachers from the Institution, the teaching attitude was measured before and after the application, applying only the transdisciplinary attitudes program to the experimental group, said instruments were validated by judges' criteria and their reliability was determined, 0.828, for the analysis the non-parametric Student's T test was used because the data do not present a normal distribution. It is concluded that the systematic and coherent application of the program transdisciplinary attitudes and its influence on the teaching attitude of the Institution. Likewise, the improvement of the attitudes of the teachers of the Hermánn Buse de la Guerra Educational Institution, No. 1073, Pueblo Libre District - 2015 in the students' t-test, both for the control and experimental group according to the post-test, by Therefore, the teachers in the experimental group obtained better results in their levels of teaching attitudes (Average = 18.79) after the application of the transdisciplinary attitude development program compared to the teachers in the control group (Average = 16.03).
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