Citas bibligráficas
Benites, J., (2021). Reingeniería en la productividad en el proceso de unión de tuberías de cobre en una empresa electromecánica, Lima 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Benites, J., Reingeniería en la productividad en el proceso de unión de tuberías de cobre en una empresa electromecánica, Lima 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Reingeniería en la productividad en el proceso de unión de tuberías de cobre en una empresa electromecánica, Lima 2020",
author = "Benites Leyva, Juan Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The main objective of this research is to determine how much reengineering influences the increase in productivity of the process of joining copper pipes in an electromechanical company, Lima 2020. The design of this research is pre-experimental of an explanatory type and seeks to determine the influence of the independent variable (Reengineering) that it exerts on the dependent variable (Productivity). Its analysis unit is the welding process of rigid copper pipes type L in the installation of air conditioning systems type VRV, 37 observations were made of a population of 127 joints of copper pipes of project x in the company JK Projects Peru, the data collection is done through observations of times of the process. Three great forces drive global organizations to take bold steps to be sustainable over time: The customer, Competition and Change. (Nemiña, 2009). Hammer, in his book Reengineering, points out that the only constant in processes is change. Based on the above, this research proposes the redesign of the current welding process, going from the application of heat to join pipes to using solder-free connectors. To determine the level of influence of the implemented reengineering, the process was measured through two control groups. The first group served to establish the existing productivity levels and the second group to determine the level of influence. This research concludes that the Reengineering variable significantly influences productivity in the process of joining copper pipes. This statement is based on post-implementation results such as: Productivity increases by 144%, the standard time is reduced from 7.16 min / unit to 2.93 min / unit.
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