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Title: Mejora del proceso de gestión de seguridad y salud de la empresa Hersil Representaciones SAC
Advisor(s): Sotomayor Cabrera, Arístides
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad de Lima
Abstract: This work arises from the need of Hersil Representaciones SAC to improve its safety and health management process, through the implementation of management tools that allow it to perform the obligations required by the Occupational Safety and Health Law, Law No. 29783. Hersil Representaciones SAC is a Peruvian company that is dedicated to the purchase, storage, medical promotion, sale and distribution of pharmaceutical products of the transnational companies it represents. The problem faced by Hersil Representaciones SAC is the potential cost of fines for non-compliance with Law No. 29783, caused by the imminent occurrence of work accidents and occupational diseases. The company only performs medical examinations of entry and delivery, to the worker, the internal regulations of safety and health at work. Through the cause-effect diagram and the Pareto curve, the causes of the problem were established and prioritized, finding three elements: lack of internal management of safety at work, lack of training and information on safety and health at work and failure to identify hazards and assess risks in jobs. The alternative solution proposed, for each of the three causes described in the previous paragraph, was to establish the occupational health and safety committee, establish a methodology for the identification of hazards and risk assessment, and prepare the annual program of training in occupational health and safety. With the formation of the committee, the company is empowered to approve any document on safety at work, as required by “Law No. 29783”. With the hazard identification and risk assessment matrix, the company managed to draw up the matrices of its 36 job positions. With the training program, it was able to carry out 100% of the programmed trainings with 95% attendance. In general, Hersil Representaciones SAC, managed to save, in potential costs due to fines, the amount of S/86 196,00.
Discipline: Ingeniería Industrial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grade or title: Ingeniero Industrial
Juror: Moy Vargas, Luis Teodomiro; Valdez Ampuero, Ana Elizabeth
Register date: 17-May-2022

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