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Título: Implementación de un sistema de gestión de continuidad del negocio bajo el marco normativo de la ISO 22301 en la Empresa Tecno TV
Asesor(es): Chávez Ugáz, Rafael
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Institución: Universidad de Lima
Resumen: Tecno TV is a B2B company of the Latin American Video Unit (from now on Latam) of Telefon Corporation that provides data services for pay TV and satellite internet, content generation and advertising sales. The company does not provide service to the consumer user but to the direct customer that is Telefon, whether through Tecno TV it transmits the services requested to the end users, being Telefon the image of the quality of service provided by Tecno TV. According to the characteristics of the Tecno TV service, under contract with Telefon, it must maintain continuous operation in the event of any interruption or crisis and / or disaster situation. On August 19, 2015 at 10:40 p.m., an interruption event that affects the processes that support the services provided by Tecno TV originates. This generated an impact on the operational continuity of its services at the Latin American level. Based on this interruption event, Tecno TV decides to strategically implement a Business Continuity Management System (hereafter SGCN) based on the International Standard ISO 22301. In the implementation of the SGCN, under the methodologies of Business Impact Analysis (hereinafter BIA, according to its acronym in English) and Risk Analysis, the priority processes and human resources that are required in the recovery of prioritized services were identified. Tecno TV. This information is reflected in documents that allow defining the mechanisms of action in the most likely scenarios that can affect the company.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Industrial
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grado o título: Ingeniero Industrial
Jurado: Goñi Delión, Juan Carlos; Chávez Ugáz, Rafael; Salazar Medina, Nicolás Francisco
Fecha de registro: 16-mar-2022

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