Bibliographic citations
Portugal-Ali, J., Costa, V. (2023). Propuesta de implementación de estrategias financieras para alcanzar un mejor nivel de liquidez de la empresa “CSTI Corp. S.A.C” para el año 2024 y 2025 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Portugal-Ali, J., Costa, V. Propuesta de implementación de estrategias financieras para alcanzar un mejor nivel de liquidez de la empresa “CSTI Corp. S.A.C” para el año 2024 y 2025 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de implementación de estrategias financieras para alcanzar un mejor nivel de liquidez de la empresa “CSTI Corp. S.A.C” para el año 2024 y 2025",
author = "Costa Vera, Valeria Sayuri",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
In the context of a dynamic economic and political environment in Peru, CSTI Corp. S.A.C., a leading company in the Information Technology (IT) industry with 15 years of market experience, is facing liquidity challenges despite its remarkable growth. The company is affected by extended customer collection periods and a high turnover of accounts payable, as its major suppliers do not extend credit. These challenges have necessitated the consideration of strategies to strengthen its financial position. Three strategic alternatives have been evaluated to address this issue: restructuring the cash conversion cycle, financing through bond issuance, and the creation of an additional business unit. After a thorough analysis, the first alternative has been selected due to its ability to shorten customer collection periods and extend the payment period to suppliers. This results in increased cash receipt for the company, which in turn reduces its reliance on short-term debt to sustain its operations. In this analysis, the projections of the cash flow statement without intervention and for each of the proposed alternatives have been considered as the primary analytical tools, providing a clear perspective on how this strategy can enhance the liquidity of CSTI Corp. S.A.C. in a challenging environment.
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