Bibliographic citations
Calderón, P., Zubiaga, J. (2024). Análisis de estado del pavimento flexible de la panamericana norte Km 554+000 - km 563+000, Trujillo, mediante método del PCI [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Calderón, P., Zubiaga, J. Análisis de estado del pavimento flexible de la panamericana norte Km 554+000 - km 563+000, Trujillo, mediante método del PCI [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Análisis de estado del pavimento flexible de la panamericana norte Km 554+000 - km 563+000, Trujillo, mediante método del PCI",
author = "Zubiaga Rivas, Jair Antoni",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the flexible pavement of the Panamericana Norte, specifically from Km 554+000 to Km 563+000 in Trujillo, using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method. An analysis was conducted in segments to assess the state and level of damage of the pavement, incorporating visual inspections, determining peak-hour traffic loads, and applying formulas to establish sampling intervals and minimum sampling units. The methodology integrated the Standard Procedure for the Inspection of Pavement Condition Index in Roads and Parking Lots, ASTM D6433-03. The pavement evaluation will enable the proposal of solutions for rehabilitation, maintenance, or construction in the studied sections, benefiting relevant entities by preventing future deterioration. This comprehensive approach not only provides a detailed understanding of the current pavement condition but also offers practical recommendations to ensure the durability and safety of the road infrastructure.pavement
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