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Briceño, H., (2013). The Industry Oriented “Asian Tigers“ and the Natural Resource Based “Pacific Alliance“ Economic Growth Models [Maastricht University].
Briceño, H., The Industry Oriented “Asian Tigers“ and the Natural Resource Based “Pacific Alliance“ Economic Growth Models []. NL: Maastricht University; 2013.
title = "The Industry Oriented “Asian Tigers“ and the Natural Resource Based “Pacific Alliance“ Economic Growth Models",
author = "Briceño Ávalos, Hernán Ricardo",
publisher = "Maastricht University",
year = "2013"
Title: The Industry Oriented “Asian Tigers“ and the Natural Resource Based “Pacific Alliance“ Economic Growth Models
Other Titles: Los modelos de crecimiento económico de los “tigres asiáticos“ orientados a la industria y de los países de la “Alianza del Pacífico“ basados en materia prima
Authors(s): Briceño Ávalos, Hernán Ricardo
Advisor(s): Crombrugghe, Denis de
Keywords: Integración económica internacional; Crecimiento económico; Exportaciones; Materia prima; Modelos económicos; Asia - Situación económica; Alianza del Pacífico (Organización : América Latina)
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 2013
Institution: Maastricht University
Abstract: El objetivo de esta tesis es proporcionar a la “Alianza del Pacífico” de América Latina un conjunto de recomendaciones para lograr una integración económica exitosa con la región Asia Pacífico. Parece que siguiendo la teoría de la Ventaja Comparativa desarrollada anteriormente por David Ricardo (1772-1823), bajo el incipiente contexto de desarrollo tecnológico ha dañado algunas economías en desarrollo, a tal punto que la especialización en la explotación y exportación de materias primas por parte de algunos latinoamericanos y africanos. Los países están condenados a vivir en un círculo vicioso. Esto se entiende como una situación apremiante entre la obtención de rentas elevadas de las actividades de explotación de recursos naturales, la baja inversión en Investigación y Desarrollo a la innovación, alcanzando al mismo tiempo índices bajos de Desarrollo Humano. Por otro lado, existe un círculo virtuoso entre las exportaciones de manufacturas mediante el desarrollo de industrias de alta tecnología, la inversión de altas tasas en Investigación y Desarrollo para innovar y alcanzar altos índices de Desarrollo Humano; tales tigres asiáticos en las últimas décadas.
Estas dos hipótesis centrales de esta tesis han sido probadas bajo regresiones econométricas de corte transversal, incluyendo más de cien países durante las tres últimas décadas (1981-2010), existen evidencias para cumplir ambas. Las exportaciones de recursos naturales como minerales y metales y otras exportaciones orientadas a materias primas tienen un impacto negativo y significativo, mientras que las exportaciones de manufacturas tienen un impacto positivo y significativo en el proceso de crecimiento económico. Del mismo modo, las exportaciones de servicios han liderado significativamente el proceso de crecimiento económico en las últimas décadas debido a que Tecnología y Comunicación y las actividades comerciales internacionales están aumentando más rápidamente. Son variables explicativas robustas. Por lo tanto, la principal recomendación es que los gobiernos de países orientados a la exportación de materias primas, como la “Alianza del Pacífico”, tomen en cuenta políticas pragmáticas de innovación y tecnología, si realmente quieren tener mejores condiciones de vida sostenibles en los próximos años. De lo contrario, seguirán sufriendo la volatilidad de los precios de las materias primas, la mala calidad de los índices de desarrollo humano, los conflictos sociales y la corrupción.
The aim of this thesis is provide “Pacific Alliance” of Latin America with a bundle of recommendations to make a successfully economy integration with Asian Pacific region. It seems that following the Comparative Advantage theory formerly developed by David Ricardo (1772-1823), under the incipient technological development context has damaged some developing economies, to such an extent that the specialization on exploiting and exporting raw materials by some Latin American and African countries are condemned them to live in a vicious circle. This is understood like a compelling situation between getting high rents from natural resource exploiting activities, low investment in Research & Development to innovation, reaching at the same time low Human Development indexes. On the other hand, there is a virtuous circle between manufacture exports by developing high tech industries, investing high rates in Research & Development to innovate and reaching high Human Development indexes; such Asian Tigers in the last decades. These two central hypotheses of this thesis have been testing under cross section econometric regressions, including more than one hundred countries for the three last decades (1981-2010), there are evidences to fulfilling both. The exports of natural resources such as ores and metals and other raw material oriented exports have a negative and significant impact, while manufacture exports have a positive and significant impact on the economic growth process. Similarly, the service exports have led significantly the economic growth process in the last decades because of Technology & Communication and international commercial activities are increasing faster. They are robust explanatory variables. Therefore, the main recommendation is that governments from raw material export oriented countries, like “Pacific Alliance”, should take into account pragmatic innovation and technology policies, if they really want to get better and sustainable living conditions in the next years. Otherwise, they will still suffering from the volatility of commodities prices, poor quality of Human Development indexes, social conflicts and corruption.
The aim of this thesis is provide “Pacific Alliance” of Latin America with a bundle of recommendations to make a successfully economy integration with Asian Pacific region. It seems that following the Comparative Advantage theory formerly developed by David Ricardo (1772-1823), under the incipient technological development context has damaged some developing economies, to such an extent that the specialization on exploiting and exporting raw materials by some Latin American and African countries are condemned them to live in a vicious circle. This is understood like a compelling situation between getting high rents from natural resource exploiting activities, low investment in Research & Development to innovation, reaching at the same time low Human Development indexes. On the other hand, there is a virtuous circle between manufacture exports by developing high tech industries, investing high rates in Research & Development to innovate and reaching high Human Development indexes; such Asian Tigers in the last decades. These two central hypotheses of this thesis have been testing under cross section econometric regressions, including more than one hundred countries for the three last decades (1981-2010), there are evidences to fulfilling both. The exports of natural resources such as ores and metals and other raw material oriented exports have a negative and significant impact, while manufacture exports have a positive and significant impact on the economic growth process. Similarly, the service exports have led significantly the economic growth process in the last decades because of Technology & Communication and international commercial activities are increasing faster. They are robust explanatory variables. Therefore, the main recommendation is that governments from raw material export oriented countries, like “Pacific Alliance”, should take into account pragmatic innovation and technology policies, if they really want to get better and sustainable living conditions in the next years. Otherwise, they will still suffering from the volatility of commodities prices, poor quality of Human Development indexes, social conflicts and corruption.
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Discipline: Ciencias en Política Pública y Desarrollo Humano
Grade or title grantor: Maastricht University
Grade or title: Máster en Ciencias en Política Pública y Desarrollo Humano
Juror: Crombrugghe, Denis de; Turkeli, Serdar
Register date: 16-Jul-2021
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