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Título: Killa Vive Verde consulting report
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.02.04
Fecha de publicación: 15-may-2023
Institución: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Resumen: This paper focuses on the analysis of Killa Vive Verde, a SME working with the Shawan Rama and the Shipibo Konibo communities to create products. The company has been facing production issues and needed advice how they can increase the production output of the indigenous artisans. After consulting with experts in the field, as well as surveying over 80 people familiar with Peruvian culture and buying norms, the current market trend and consumer thoughts could be identified. After many insightful meetings with the company, coupled with literature review and the qualitative & quantitative research, 4 potential solutions were identified. Two targeted of the motivation of the artisans, laying focus on the motivation of the communities. One focused on creating a partnership with another community to increase the artisans working in the production process. The final recommendation explored the option of increasing access to innovative tools which speed up production and stabilise communication.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración de Negocios
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grado o título: Maestro en Administración de Negocios
Jurado: Rafael Alejandro Fernandez Concha; Sandro Alberto Sanchez Paredes; Nicolás Andrés Núñez Morales
Fecha de registro: 15-may-2023

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