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Huaraca, E., (2021). El acoso laboral por empleados de confianza en instituciones de gestión pública [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Huaraca, E., El acoso laboral por empleados de confianza en instituciones de gestión pública []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "El acoso laboral por empleados de confianza en instituciones de gestión pública",
author = "Huaraca Sucasaca, Emperatriz",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
Título: El acoso laboral por empleados de confianza en instituciones de gestión pública
Autor(es): Huaraca Sucasaca, Emperatriz
Asesor(es): Olivares Torre, Gretel Roxana
Palabras clave: Acoso laboral; Empleados de confianza; Colaboradores
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 12-nov-2021
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: En la presente investigación, se determinó el nivel del acoso laboral por empleados de
confianza hacia los trabajadores en las instituciones de Gestión Pública; el objetivo de la presente
investigación fue determinar las afectaciones que sufre el trabajador al ser acosado por un empleado
de confianza en las instituciones de Gestión Pública. La metodología aplicada es cualitativa ya que
en la investigación se va a descubrir y reformular preguntas de investigación, sin probar las
hipótesis, ni utilizar métodos de recolección de datos con la medición, mas solo realizar
descripciones y observaciones del fenómeno social.
Consecuentemente el acoso laboral incide significativamente en el desempeño de los
trabajadores en su centro de trabajo, ocasionando desinterés, incomodidad, miedo, entre otros que
afecta su vida cotidiana y de los que lo rodean. Se concluyó, que el acoso laboral practicado por el
personal de confianza hacia los trabajadores de las entidades públicas es un problema que tiene
una descendencia de varios años atrás, sin embargo, hasta la actualidad los trabajadores se
encuentran en esa misma situación sin tener apoyo alguno, por alguna entidad que proteja sus
derechos que son vulnerados en su centro de trabajo y así continuar con su vida laboral y social,
muchos de los trabajadores que sufren estos tipos de acosos callan por el temor a ser despedidos y
desprestigiados por decir la verdad.
In the present investigation, the affectation of workplace harassment by trusted employees towards workers in Public Management institutions was determined; The objective of the present investigation was to determine the effects suffered by the worker when being harassed by a trusted employee in the Public Management institutions. The applied methodology is qualitative since the research will discover and reformulate research questions, without testing the hypotheses, or using data collection methods with the measurement, but only making descriptions and observations of the social phenomenon. Consequently, workplace harassment significantly affects the performance of workers in their workplace, causing disinterest, discomfort, fear, among others that affects their daily lives and those around them. It was concluded that the workplace harassment practiced by trusted personnel towards workers of public entities is a problem that has descendants of several years ago, however, until now the workers are in the same situation without having any support , by some entity that protects their rights that are violated in their workplace and thus continue with their work and social life, many of the workers who suffer these types of harassment remain silent for fear of being fired and discredited for telling the truth.
In the present investigation, the affectation of workplace harassment by trusted employees towards workers in Public Management institutions was determined; The objective of the present investigation was to determine the effects suffered by the worker when being harassed by a trusted employee in the Public Management institutions. The applied methodology is qualitative since the research will discover and reformulate research questions, without testing the hypotheses, or using data collection methods with the measurement, but only making descriptions and observations of the social phenomenon. Consequently, workplace harassment significantly affects the performance of workers in their workplace, causing disinterest, discomfort, fear, among others that affects their daily lives and those around them. It was concluded that the workplace harassment practiced by trusted personnel towards workers of public entities is a problem that has descendants of several years ago, however, until now the workers are in the same situation without having any support , by some entity that protects their rights that are violated in their workplace and thus continue with their work and social life, many of the workers who suffer these types of harassment remain silent for fear of being fired and discredited for telling the truth.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grado o título: Abogada
Jurado: Jayo Silva, Carlos Eduardo; Nuñez Alvarez, Leonidas; Yoshisato Alvarez, Mario; Calvo Rodriguez, Yuri
Fecha de registro: 3-ene-2022
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