Citas bibligráficas
Aguilar, S., (2007). Secado de rodajas de piña (Ananas comosas) previamente deshidratadas en soluciones osmóticas de sacarosa – aguas – etanol [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Aguilar, S., Secado de rodajas de piña (Ananas comosas) previamente deshidratadas en soluciones osmóticas de sacarosa – aguas – etanol [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2007.
title = "Secado de rodajas de piña (Ananas comosas) previamente deshidratadas en soluciones osmóticas de sacarosa – aguas – etanol",
author = "Aguilar Paz, Selfa",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2007"
The advantages of vegetable products and dried fruits are widely known, since, by reducing their moisture content, microbiological and enzymatic activity is greatly reduced, and storage and transport costs are reduced. The objective of this work was to obtain pineapple (Ananas comosus) slices, Cayenne lisa variety, using combined processes of osmotic dehydration and drying; Were used as osmodeshidratantes sucrose and ethanol. The proximal composition of fresh pineapple with moisture, protein, fat, ash, fiber and total carbohydrates of: 87.64%, 0.14%, 0.12%, 0.30%, 0.39% and 11.38% respectively; The ascorbic acid content was 26.85 mg / 100 g- before the osmotic dehydration, it was verified that the 1 cm thick pineapple slices were in optimal conditions of freshness, the heart was removed, then immersed in osmotic solutions of Different concentrations of (water-ethanol-sucrose) and two dehydration times (3 and 6 hours). The influence of the concentration of the osmotic solutions (water-ethanol-sucrose) and the temperature (40, 50 and 60 ° C) in the drying of pineapple slices was studied through kinetics and drying rates, Air of 1.0 m / s. The level of acceptance of the final product was established by sensory analysis for which a DBCA was used with semi-drilled penalties. The kinetics of drying show the influence of osmohydrides, as the sucrose increased in the solution, the humidity decreased, and the ethanol increased in the solution the drying rate increased. By means of these experiments it was determined that the temperature of 40 ° C is not recommended because the drying is very slow, resulting in the proliferation of microorganisms, biochemical and enzymatic reactions, harming the product in terms of the final experience. The temperature of 60 ° C had a behavior contrary to that of 40 ° C, increasing the speed of drying, however, pineapple slices (Ananas comosus). Without osmotic treatment and those that were dehydrated in solutions of water-ethanol-sucrose (33-33-33) gr / 100gr solution and (34-16-50) gr / 100gr presented crusting and crystallization; It was established that the optimum drying temperature was 50 ° C. of the 16 treatments which obtained the highest scores in terms of acceptability were pineapple slices dried at 50 ° C and dehydrated osmotically in water - sucrose solutions (50 - 60) gr / 100gr Solution, (56-40) gr / 100gr solution, without treatment, as well as dehydrated pineapple slices in water-ethanol-sucrose solutions (34-16-50) gr / 100gr solution, the slices being Dehydrated pineapple are solutions (water-ethanol) which had the lowest degree of acceptability according to the sensorial analysis
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