Citas bibligráficas
Chong, S., (2020). Clima social familiar y su relación con las habilidades sociales en estudiantes de ingeniería civil y psicología de la Universidad Científica del Perú - 2017 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Chong, S., Clima social familiar y su relación con las habilidades sociales en estudiantes de ingeniería civil y psicología de la Universidad Científica del Perú - 2017 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Clima social familiar y su relación con las habilidades sociales en estudiantes de ingeniería civil y psicología de la Universidad Científica del Perú - 2017",
author = "Chong Díaz, Sandra Melissa",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2020"
The purpose of the research is to establish the relationship of the family social climate and social skills in students of the I - cycle of the academic programs of Civil Engineering and Psychology of the Scientific University of Peru, 2017. The research corresponds to the quantitative approach, and is based on hypothetical-deductive research methods. The population was made up of 84 students, the research technique was the survey and as an instrument the Scale of the Social Climate in the Family of R. H. Moos and E. J. Trickett and Social Skills of Elena Gismero Gonzales. For the data procedure, SPSS version 22 statistic was used, obtaining the following results: family social climate variable, 14.3% was inadequate and 85.7% was adequate. Variable social skills 9.5% was high, 3.6% had a high trend, 8.3% was average, 17.9% was Tend. Low and 60.7% their social skills had a low level. It is concluded: There is a significant relationship between the family social climate with the social skills in Civil Engineering and Psychology students of the Scientific University of Peru, 2017 (p = 0.000<0.05, Rho Spearman = 0.770 considerable positive correlation).
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