Citas bibligráficas
Echeverre, M., Ramírez, J. (2022). Marketing relacional enfocado en la fidelización de los clientes del banco continental de Iquitos, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Echeverre, M., Ramírez, J. Marketing relacional enfocado en la fidelización de los clientes del banco continental de Iquitos, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Marketing relacional enfocado en la fidelización de los clientes del banco continental de Iquitos, 2021",
author = "Ramírez Díaz, Jorge Oswaldo",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The objective of the research was to indicate the empathy, security, reliability and fidelity that a financial institution has with its clients in its different offices in the city. The study is quantitative, descriptive; and with a non-experimental design, the population was the bank's clients located in its different offices, selecting 35 clients from the business sector who manage their finances and personal payments with the financial institution.
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