Citas bibligráficas
Pardo, Z., (2020). Prevalencia de anemia asociada a factores de riesgo por gestantes en trabajo de parto y post parto que acuden al hospital César Garayar García - Iquitos octubre a diciembre - 2018. [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Pardo, Z., Prevalencia de anemia asociada a factores de riesgo por gestantes en trabajo de parto y post parto que acuden al hospital César Garayar García - Iquitos octubre a diciembre - 2018. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Prevalencia de anemia asociada a factores de riesgo por gestantes en trabajo de parto y post parto que acuden al hospital César Garayar García - Iquitos octubre a diciembre - 2018.",
author = "Pardo Flores, Zonica Zoraida",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2020"
Anemia is a medical condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body's tissues and when tissues do not receive an adequate amount of oxygen, many organs and functions are affected. The majority of pregnant women present anemia during this stage, which generates consequences in the child, presenting evident pathologies such as low weight at birth, premature birth, and can even generate maternal death. The adequate information provided to women of childbearing age through pre-conceptional counseling, and during the process of pregnancy, during its control, plays a very important role in preventing serious consequences by avoiding the decrease of hemoglobin values and therefore avoiding anemia during pregnancy, and bringing in a healthy product. That is why it has been considered important to investigate the "Prevalence of anemia associated with risk factors for pregnant women in labor and postpartum," considering this a problem, bearing in mind that most pregnant women present anemia, so from these results we can take the necessary steps to reduce anemia in the pregnant woman. Methods: A non-experimental, prospective, transversal, correlational study was developed, with a quantitative and analytical design, with the purpose of determining the prevalence of anemia associated to risk factors by pregnant women in labor and postpartum who attended the Cesar Garayar Garcia- Iquitos Hospital, October, to December- 2018. Results: This study involved 149 pregnant women in labor and Post. Labor and delivery attended at Hospital Cesar Garayar Garcia-Iquitos, October, to December 2018. The age of the pregnant women: 26 (17.4%) were 30 years old, with a grade of 82 (55.0%) in secondary school. The place of origin: xvi 97(65.1%) were urban, 32(21, 5%). 68(45.6%) were primigrated, 49(32.9%) multigestation and 32(21.5%) great multigestation. The gestational age ,132(88.6%) had gestational age at term, 106(71.1%)were immediate puerperal, at their admission the pregnant woman had 10 of hemoglobin and were between the ages of 22, 26, 28 and 30 years and 9.9 of hemoglobin between the ages 26 years, at the end of pregnancy, being able to observe that most of them were admitted with anemia. The weight in relation to age at the beginning of the pregnancy was 35 kg at 22 years of age, and at the end of the pregnancy it was 46.0 at 27 years of age, showing that the weight is not affected by hemoglobin deficiency. Patients with an intergenital period of less than 2 years had a minimum hemoglobin of 10 at the beginning of the pregnancy and 9.0 hemoglobin at the end of the pregnancy, and those who did not receive Preconceptional Counseling with 10 hemoglobin at the beginning of the pregnancy and 9.8 at the end of the pregnancy, giving us to understand that the short intergenital period was not one of the factors that did not allow the mother to provide the necessary hemoglobin for maintenance during pregnancy. The risk factors in intrapartum for anemia were: mild preeclampsia, hemoglobin 6.0, episiotomy 8.9, lacerations and tears of II degree 9.00, and presented bleeding greater than 500 cc. Postpartum women who had severe pre-eclampsia had 8.9 hemoglobin, mild preeclampsia, episiotomy dehiscence, hematomas from fetal macrosomia with 10.3 hemoglobin. The administration of vitamins during the pregnancy stage and their recording in the antepartum we have that 26 pregnant women who came for delivery care are between the ages of 30 years of which 9 received micronutrients and 15 received no administration of vitamins, followed by 18 pregnant women between the ages of 27 years, 8 received micronutrients and 8 received no vitamins, resulting in only 65 pregnant women receiving administration of micronutrients. 97 pregnant women were from urban areas, 32 were from rural areas, and 20 were from marginal areas who presented 10.0 hemoglobin at the beginning of the pregnancy, while 20 were from xvii marginal areas who presented 9.0 hemoglobin, 97 were from urban areas with 9.8 hemoglobin, and 32 pregnant women were from rural areas with 10.6 hemoglobin at the end of the pregnancy It was demonstrated that pregnant women, according to their origin, both at the beginning and at the end of the pregnancy before labor, presented low hemoglobin values and risk factors that in the end also decreased hemoglobin, generating even more anemia. 82 pregnant women had a secondary school education, 27 primary school, and presented 10. 0 of hemoglobin at the beginning of the pregnancy, non university superior with 10.9 of hemoglobin, 82 secondary had 9.0 of hemoglobin , 18 non university superior with 10.0 of hemoglobin and 27 primary with 10.2 of hemoglobin , at the end of the pregnancy. The results that the degree of education of the pregnant woman did not influence for the patient to be conscious for the administration of micronutrients. Conclusion: There are risk factors that intervened for the pregnant woman to present low hemoglobin values. In antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum.
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