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Título: Steganography Application Using Combination of Movements in a 2D Video Game Platform
Asesor(es): Gutiérrez Cárdenas, Juan Manuel
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.02.04
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Institución: Universidad de Lima
Resumen: Steganography represents the art of hiding information within a harmless medium such as digital images, video, audio, etc. Its purpose is to embed and transmit a message without raising suspicion to a third party or attacker who wishes to obtain that secret information. This research aims to propose a methodology with steganography using as a cover object a 2D platform video game. The experimentation model followed consists of using the combination of horizontal and vertical movements of the enemies by applying the numbering in base 5 or quinary where each character of the message is assigned a quinary digit. In the proposal for improvement the video game is set with 20 enemies per level along the map. The concealment is divided into 3 phases from the choice of the message, allocation of quinary values and generation of the videogame level. Finally, the limitations found will be presented based on experimentation.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería de sistemas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grado o título: Ingeniero de sistemas
Jurado: Sotelo-Monge, Marco-Antonio; Quintana-Cruz, Hernan-Alejandro; Guzman-Jimenez, Rosario-Marybel
Fecha de registro: 17-mar-2021; 17-mar-2021

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