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Título: Análisis de la legislatura ambiental en el marco del sistema jurídico peruano de Ica, 2021
Palabras clave: Gestión Pública
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Resumen: Objective: To determine the analysis of the environmental legislation within the framework of the Peruvian legal system of Ica, 2021. Methodology: Carlos Sabino (1992), Every Research process has a procedure, a sequence, it is used to order the research work to be developed, it is the appropriate procedure. For the present research work, adequate or developed methods, observation, description, explanation, synthesis, analysis. According to Lizardo Carbajal (1988), the methodology is one to develop knowledge, processes or stages in an investigation, to order the Theory of Knowledge. Population and sample: Flores Arocutipa, (2010), affirms that the population is the study or research units. Constituted by 87 citizens, who were interviewed, with the questions posed regarding the subject. It is the part of the entire Population, it is representative and in it the statistics are applied with the results obtained in the compilation of the Information, it is made up of 85 citizens. Results: They indicate that 82% of those surveyed consider that the production of nature should be improved in the constitutional sphere”. indicate that 94% of the people surveyed agree to "preserve a sustainable environment for future generations." Conclusion: There is no doubt that Environmental Law influences the Peruvian legal system. In Peru it has a negative influence, due to the wave of protests from the peoples in conflict, the balance is broken and the authorities defend the private sector, to the detriment of the great majority. It requires a sustainable and planned human development, in theory and in practice. Keywords: Environmental Legislature, Peruvian legal system.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Autonoma de Ica.Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Administración
Grado o título: Abogada
Fecha de registro: 28-oct-2021; 28-oct-2021

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