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Título: Influencia de la gestión financiera para mejorar la liquidez de la constructora Ivalex S.A.C., San Borja, 2017
Asesor(es): Arias Fratelli, Ruperto Hernán
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.02.00
Fecha de publicación: 8-sep-2019
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is to determine the Influence of Financial Management to Improve the Liquidity of the Constructor IVALEX SAC, San Borja, 2017, as an independent variable and to liquidity as a dependent variable. The economic activity of the company in its beginnings was construction that realizes buildings to later sell them, as it also sells electrical appliances, lighting equipment, construction materials, equipment and materials for plumbing and heating. Carries out equipment rental services, construction machinery. As in all economic activity there are constant risks of how the economy develops in a country, therefore; It is important to perform financial analyzes to measure liquidity, to know the management of working capital, the long-term investments that IVALEX SAC has. They allowed us to know through surveys, interviews and documentary analysis that financial management is not applied properly. About accounting policies and knowledge about financial management and liquidity was limited because it does not have trained personnel with experience in finance, their work is often operational, this leads to a weakness for the company. This would be improved if they carried out a structure of functions in the company and with training for staff. In the analysis it shows us that the company obtains liquidity to meet its obligations, for 2016 between 2017 it has increased its inventories by investing in the new commercial item; but it has shortcomings in the presentation of financial reports. The general manager of IVALEX SAC rethinks structuring the accounting department, will organize a schedule to train the staff, will evaluate a SWOT analysis to better direct the activities carried out by each worker, this will allow developing analytical and diagnostic skills to identify problems and opportunities essential to the financial resources of an organization The research methodology is a descriptive, cross-sectional model, where the population is the workers of the accounting area and the general manager, the sample is the survey, interview and documentary analysis, the procedure is the analysis of the financial statements of 2016 and 2017 of IVALEX SAC, San Borja. KEYWORDS: Financial management, financial statements, liquidity

RESUMEN El presente trabajo de tesis de suficiencia profesional tiene como objetivo determinar la Influencia de la Gestión Financiera para Mejorar la Liquidez de la Constructora IVALEX SAC, San Borja, 2017, teniendo como variable independiente la gestión financiera y a la liquidez como variable dependiente. La actividad económica de la empresa se inició como constructora que realizo edificaciones para luego venderlas, como también vende aparatos eléctricos, equipos de iluminación, materiales de construcción, equipo y materiales de fontanería y calefacción. Realiza servicios de alquiler de equipos, maquinaria para la construcción. Como en toda actividad económica existen riesgos constantemente de cómo se desarrolla la economía en un país, por ello; es de importancia realizar análisis financieros para medir la liquidez, conocer la gestión de capital de trabajo, las inversiones a largo plazo que tiene IVALEX SAC.
Enlace al repositorio: https://hdl.handle.net/11537/14768
Nota: Comas
Disciplina académico-profesional: Contabilidad y Finanzas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grado o título: Contador Público
Fecha de registro: 31-ene-2019; 31-ene-2019

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