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Title: Control del gorgojo cosmopolites sordidus G. y metamasius hemipterus L. en plátano con hongos entomopatógenos beauveria bassiana y metarhizium spp. en San Martín
Advisor(s): Cerna Mendoza, Agustin
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#4.01.06
Issue Date: 2007
Institution: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial
Abstract: Con la finalidad de determinar el efecto de los Entomopatógenos Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium spp en el control de la población del gorgojo negro (Cosmopolites sordidus) y gorgojo rayado (Metamasius hemipteros), se realizó el presente ensayo en una plantación de plátano variedad "lnguiri" de 3 años de edad ubicado a 10 Km de la ciudad de Tarapoto por el norte de la carretera Femando Belaunde Terry (primera etapa) y en el Laboratorio de Fitopatología del Instituto de Cultivo Tropicales (segunda etapa) durante el mes de Noviembre del 2004. Los tratamientos utilizados tanto a nivel de campo y laboratorio fueron: Testigo (To). Beauveria bassjana (T1), Metarhizium spp. (T2), B, bassiana + Metarhizium spp. (T3) y Beauveria bassiana comercial (T4); utilizándose 04 trampas tipo sándwich de rodajas de pseudotallo de 10-15 cm de longitud para la captura de gorgojos a nivel de campo por bloque o repetición y por tratamiento. La cantidad de entomopat6geno utilizado (T1, T2 y T3) fue de 20 g/planta, mientras que brocaril (Beauveria bassiana comercial: T4) solamente se utilizó 1 g/trampa; éstos asperjados can aproximadamente 5 mil de aceite agrícola al 15%. El diseño experimental empleado a nivel de campo fue el Bloques Completamente al P\z.ar (DBCA), con 05 tratamientos y 03 repeticiones o bloques; variando su planteamiento a nivel de laboratorio a un Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA): utilizándose para la comparación de medias la Prueba de Duncan (a = 0.05).

With the purpose of dto determiner the effect of the entomopatógenos Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizíum spp in the control of the population of the black weevil (Cosmopolitas sordidus Germar) and rrayado weevil (Metamasius hemipterus), the present test was made in a banana plantation variety "lnguiri" of 3 years of age located to 1 O km of the city of TARAPOTO by the nor1h of the highway Fernando Belaunde Terry (first stage) and in the Laboratory of phytopathologie of the Tropical lnstitute of Culture (second stage) during the month of November of the 2004. The treatments used as much at level of field and laboratory were Witness (To). Beauveria bassíane (T1). Metarhizium spp. (Tz), B, bassiana + Metarhizium spp. (T3) and Beauveria bassiana commercial (T.); being used 04 traps type sandwich of slice of pseudostem of 10 15 cm in length for the capture of weevils at level of field by block or repetition and treatment. The amount of used entomopatógeno (T1, T2 and T 3) g/plant was of 20, whereas brocaril (Bassiana Beauveria commercial: T 4) 1 was only used g/trap; these sprinkled with approximately 5 mililiter of agricultural oil to 15%. The used experimental design at field level was the Blocks Completely at random (DBCA) with 05 treatments and 03 repetitions or blocks; varying its exposition at level from laboratory to design Completely at random (DCA); being used for the comparison of averages the Test of Duncan (a= 0,05). The obtained results show for the field evaluations statistical superiority to us in the captured number of total weevils, collected of the treatments to base Bassiana Beauvsria commercial (Tc) and B. bassiana +Metarhizium (Ta), repelling in a greater rate of capture as much of total weevils and lined weevils. Also, the evaluations at laboratory level allow us to observe better effect in the number of dead and covered with spares weevils of the treatment with B. bassiana + Metarhizium spp (Ta) with 71,7 and 68,0 weevils in average respectively, being different itself significantly from the effect of the other treatments in study; whereas the smaller effects statistically present/display the treatment witness (T 0) and Baauveria bassiana commercial (T.), resulting in a greater average lethat time of total weevils with 47,7 and 39,0 days in average. In relation to the percentage of dead total weevils and esporulados, percentage of mortality of black and lined weevils; it is observed better effects were of the treatments with Beauveria bassiana (T1), Metarhizium spp. (T2) and B. bassiana +Metarhizium spp. (Ta); being different significantly from the treatment witness (To) and Beauveria bassiana commercial (T4).
Discipline: Agronomía
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
Grade or title: Ingeniero Agrónomo
Juror: Flores Garcia, Eybis Jorge; Doria Bolaños, Manuel; Nolte Campos, Carlos
Register date: 20-Dec-2016; 20-Dec-2016

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