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Título: Determinación de la riqueza específica de la familia Orchidacae en plantaciones de café área de conservación municipal Almendra Moyobamba
Asesor(es): Ruiz Valles, Ruben
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.07.00
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Institución: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial
Resumen: The present thesis, "Determination of the Specific Wealth of the Family Orchidaceae in plantations of brown Area of Conservation Municipal Almendra Moyobamba- San Martin", this guided to contrihute in the identification ofthe specific wealth ofthe Orchids that you/they have like I inhabit epifito to the plantations of coffee, considering that the plants of more coffee to nine years of antiquity present Jiquenes and mosses I propitiate for the species of orchids, that which will be a potential of commercial interest and of investigation. This having in consideration that our Department of San Martín is one of the main producers of coffee, having varieties of coffee in the study area Jike: Caturra, Catimor and National, that lvhich many of these plantations of coffee harbar 38 species of orchids that it will serve as value added to the production of co:ffee benefitting the farmers ofthe study area. Through a proposal of a Plan of Handling of the species of Orchids in the Area of Conservation Municipal Almendra, will be good for a sustainable use ofthe resource. At the moment the illegal trade of Orchids, the demographic explosion, the indiscriminate deforestation and he/she bums ofthe forests, they are contributing to the pi11aging ofvaluable species that you/they have not been investigated still, this puts in danger the e"A'tinction of our Natural Resources, which should stop as soon as possible stops this way to avoid that it continues getting lost our flora. In tum Organizations that support the farmers for the rational use of the Natural Resources existas: The German Technical Cooperation (GTZ-PDRS), I Govem Regional of San Martin, Project Special High May (PEAM), National Institute of Natural Resources (lNRENA), Entity Prestadora of Services of Reparation EPS-M. SRLtda, Rural Beats, among others. For the analysis ofthe reality ofthe Area of Conservation Municipal Almendra, was carried out by means of the processes of Determ:ination of the area, Revision and validation of the existent information, Summary of the information, Elaboration of speci:fic studies, Identification of the plots of land with plantations of coffee, Determination of the quantity of spec!es of orchids in the pJantations of coffee, Ch<;rracterization of the veg~tation, determination of indexes of the biological diversity, Position of plots of land in plantations of coffee, Proposal of a Plan of Handling with administration measures for a sustainable use of the resource Orchid. Through the use of diagrams of bars it \vill allow to visualize the abundance of plants of Orchids for species in the two varieties of coffee as Caturra and National and the abundance of species of orchids by means ofthe index ofMargalef, as well as the distribution of the Diameter to the Height of Chest (DAP) for the species of opposing plants near the plantations of coffee. In the Area of Conservation Municipal Almendra, was identified 38 species of Orchids in the 35 plots of land of sampling in plantations of coffee with a 9 year-old antiquity I inhabit favorable to harbor many species of orchids for the liquenes presence and mosses,. being the most representative the species Macroclinium aurorae in the plantations of national coffee and caturra with 213 plants and with smaller presence the species Diadenium sp. with 2 plants of orchids of a total of 860 plants of Orchids. The distribution of the flora in the study of the vegetation presents 89 species at the 35 plots of land that which a bigger DAP average the species Almond with a 72.61 present cm at the plots ofland 31 and ·32, and with smaller DAP the species Laurel with a 5.56 present cm at the plots ofland 1, 2, 16, al)d 20 and with an older average DAP spicy offruit tree Mango \vith 25,83 present cm atthe plots of land 1,3,4,9,25,28 and 34 and with smaller DAP the spice banana with 10,32 present cm at the plots of land 2,12,14,16,18,19,20,23 and 27. Finding more presence of plants of the gender Inga that surround as shade to the plants of coffee. The Present work of investigation of the Determination of the Specific Wealth of the F amily Orchidaceae in plantations of coffee, will be a document it guides for the taking of decisions in what refers to a Plan of handling of the species of Orchids in the Area of Conservation Municipal Almendra Department of San Martin, as comes him carrying out the Region Loreto with a Concerted Regional Program of Agrobiodiversidad and its Plan of Action, yvith t~e _ purpose ofto conserve and to take advantage ofthe natural resources in a sustainable way.

La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la contribución del Reciclaje Vivencia! en el Tratamiento de los Residuos Sólidos generados en la Institución Educativa "Juan Velasco Alvarado", ubicada en la provincia de Bellavista, región San Martín. En este sentido se emprendieron tres tareas fundamentales como son la caracterización de los residuos sólidos generados en ~a institución, ·el desarrollo de talleres para afianzar la parte cognitiva de los alumnos y las acciones relacionadas con el desarrollo de actitudes favorables. En cuanto al reciclaje vivencia!, se trabajó en la fabricación de adornos mediante el reciclaje de papel y cartón, botellas de plástico y tetra pack. Asimismo, se trabajó bajo el supuesto que si los alumnos son instruidos con talleres vivenciales de reciclaje entonces su contribución será significativa para el tratamiento de los residuos sólidos, lo cual constituyó la hipótesis de investigación, la misma que fue contrastada mediante la prueba t de student para la diferencia pareada, con el 95% de confianza. En la parte operativa, se trabajó con una muestra de 14 alumnos del primer grado y 13 alumnos del segundo grado de secundaria, haciendo un total de 27 alumnos que fueron instruidos en talleres y evaluados antes y después de este proceso mediante un cuestionario que constaba de 14 ítems. Por otra parte, la investigación de tipo aplicativa y conducida bajo el diseño cuasi ·experimental, tuvo como principal fuente para la obtención de datos a los alumnos y profesores quienes apoyaron decididamente dado que se trataba de un problema institucional. Entre las conclusiones podemos afirmar que el reciclaje vivencia! ha contribuido significativamente mejorando el tratamiento de los residuos sólidos generados en la Institución Educativa "Juan Velasco Alvarado" de Bellavista. Asimismo, los alumnos mejoraron sus actitudes respecto al cuidado y conservación del ambiente mediante el reciclaje, lo cu-al se evidenció por la participación masiva en los talleres, lo cual les permitió también logros significativos en la parte cognoscitiva.
Enlace al repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11458/165
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Ambiental
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Facultad de Ecología
Grado o título: Ingeniero Ambiental
Jurado: Casas Luna, Santiago Alberto; Ruiz Rios, Astriht; Centurion Tapia, Fabian
Fecha de registro: 2-nov-2016; 2-nov-2016

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