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Título: Financial analysis in PGR s mining projects of gold recovering and phytoremediation in tailings in the Amazon Region of Peru
Asesor(es): Dessain, Jean
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.02.04
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Institución: Universidad ESAN
Resumen: The present document is based on the consulting project experience executed for PGR firm. PGR is a Peruvian firm that pursues to start their operations in the Peruvian mining sector. The firm started a research 6 years ago to enhance their business proposal, especially in terms of gold extraction and phytoremediation in tailings or mining residuals that are mainly located in the amazon region of Peru. PGR counts with a distinguished work team whose members have between 30 and 60 years of experience in the mining sector in Peru. During the last 3 years, they have transmitted their business proposal among different Peruvian institutions such as the Presidential Congress, the Ministries Presidential Council, the Lima School of Engineers, universities and public in general. The purpose of this intensive diffusion has been to find investors to join PGR and help them to start its operations. In that sense, the purpose of the consulting project was to review PGR financial statements and to identify additional considerations that help to move PGR to a next step, attracting more the attention of investors in order to contribute to the aim of PGR, finding investors to starts its operations.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad ESAN. Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados
Grado o título: Maestro/Magíster en Administración
Fecha de registro: 18-ene-2017; 18-ene-2017

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