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Título: Development of a Multi-Objective Strategic Management Approach to Improve Decisions for Pavement Management Practices in Local Agencies
Otros títulos: Desarrollo de un enfoque de gestión estratégica multiobjetivo para mejorar las decisiones en las prácticas de gestión de pavimentos en las agencias locales
Asesor(es): Smith, Roger E.
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.01.01
Fecha de publicación: may-2007
Institución: Texas A&M University
Resumen: En este estudio de investigación se desarrolla un enfoque estratégico multiobjetivo para la gestión de pavimentos. La formulación matemática para el problema de asignación de fondos se expresa en términos de objetivos basados en parámetros de desempeño del pavimento a nivel de red. El índice promedio de condición de la red de pavimentos, la vida media remanente de la red de pavimento, el porcentaje de red de pavimento en buenas condiciones y el porcentaje de la red de pavimento en malas condiciones son identificados como parámetros clave de rendimiento de la red de pavimentos. La técnica de la Burbuja Dinámica (Dynamic Bubble-Up - DBU) que se basa en un método de clasificación de orden secuencial en base a criterios de priorización para la asignación de fondos. Las conclusiones de la investigación demuestran la necesidad de proporcionar un enfoque racional coherente con los objetivos de las agencias. También se concluye en este estudio que los tratamientos de mantenimiento preventivo aplicados en el momento oportuno reducen las necesidades futuras de inversión aumentando la eficiencia de los programas de gestión.

Multiple objectives are often used by agencies trying to manage pavement networks. Often alternative investment strategies can accomplish the agencies’ target objectives. If the goal is to achieve the target objectives at the minimum cost, an approach is needed to assist agencies in identifying investment strategies capable of meeting the targets while minimizing costs. The approach used by the agency should not be limited to an analytical method to mathematically solve the funding allocation problem. Finding mechanisms to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the investment strategy over time is a great challenge that needs to be addressed by the approach. The challenge is even greater for local agencies where resources are usually limited. This research develops a multi-objective strategic management approach oriented to improving decisions for pavement management practices in local agencies. In this approach, target objectives are tied to key pavement network parameters in the management process. A methodology to identify the best combination of projects to meet target objectives at the minimum cost while maximizing treatment effectiveness is provided as a result of the research. Concepts from the pavement management program (PMP) of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) of the San Francisco Bay Area were used as a basis for developing the methodology. Four pavement network parameters are considered for setting the target objectives over the agency’s planning horizon: the average network pavement condition index (PCI), average network remaining life, percent of the pavement network in good condition, and percent of the pavement network in poor and very poor condition. Results from a case study show that funding allocation methods influence the allocation of preservation and rehabilitation funds among pavement network groups, affecting budget estimates and future condition of the pavement network. It is also concluded that the use of mechanisms that facilitate data integration and the flow of knowledge across management levels can contribute to making better informed decisions. Hence, the adoption of the multi-objective strategic pavement management approach developed in this dissertation should lead to identifying more efficient investment strategies for achieving the pavement network state desired by a local agency at a minimum cost.
Nota: Descargue el texto completo en el repositorio institucional de la Texas A&M University: https://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-1278
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Civil
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Texas A&M University
Grado o título: Doctor en Filosofía
Jurado: Epps Martin, Amy; Smith, Donald R.; Olivera, Francisco; Rosowsky, David V.
Fecha de registro: 4-oct-2021

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