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Asesor(es): Campos Martínez, José Jorge
Fecha de publicación: 15-oct-2020
Resumen: Our investigation revolves around one of the special processes regulated in the current criminal procedural code that has been seriously questioned and remains in force despite the serious questions that are being addressed by the connoisseurs of the subject. Therefore, the title of our investigation is: Immediate reform process and violation of fundamental rights. Criminal Judiciary of Lima East. 2017-2019. The first chapter makes a diagnosis of the problem, of the affectation of rights by the procedure that is carried out in the immediate process, raising the problem in the form of questions, as well as its respective general objective: To determine how the application of the budgets of the immediate process It affects the violation of fundamental rights. Criminal Judiciary of Lima East. 2017-2019. The second chapter deals with the background of both national and international research, as well as specialized literature on the variables of our research, a third chapter that deals with the possible answers to our research raised in the general hypothesis and the specific hypotheses. ,adding the variables and indicators. A fourth chapter dedicated to the methodology, being our investigation of quantitative approach, of basic type, using as a technique the survey of the connoisseurs of the problem such as lawyers and operators xi of the criminal judiciary Lima East. A fifth chapter where we present the results of the surveys and finally the discussion of the results that came in the investigation. The work carried out validates our main hypothesis: The application of the budgets of the immediate process has a significant impact on the violation of fundamental rights. Criminal Judiciary of Lima East. 2017-2019. Keyword. Immediate process, Flagrance, Fundamental rights, Due process, Equal weapons.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada de Ica.Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Económicas
Grado o título: Abogado
Fecha de registro: 2-ene-2021; 2-ene-2021

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