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Figueroa, L., Jacinto, M. (2017). Referencias teóricas de la inteligencia emocional [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Figueroa, L., Jacinto, M. Referencias teóricas de la inteligencia emocional [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2017.
title = "Referencias teóricas de la inteligencia emocional",
author = "Jacinto Villanueva, Maria Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2017"
Título: Referencias teóricas de la inteligencia emocional
Asesor(es): Portilla Candiotti, María Alexandra
Palabras clave: Inteligencia emocional; Educación primaria; Educación--Trabajo de investigación
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Institución: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
Resumen: Las exigencias del mundo de hoy han abierto campo al estudio de la inteligencia emocional, dentro de la formación integral del ser humano. Un considerable número de investigaciones, concluyen que las emociones son pieza clave de configuración para el éxito personal, ya que el reconocimiento y gestión de las emociones propias y ajenas, tiene como resultado personas plenas y felices. Es así, que la sociedad y la escuela son conscientes de la necesidad de un currículo específico que favorezca la identificación y gestión de las emociones. Las emociones representan la forma en la que un individuo reacciona ante diversas situaciones, aprendidas a través de las experiencias y educadas en todo el transcurso de la vida. Las competencias emocionales, regulan los fenómenos emocionales a los cuales las personas están expuestos diariamente. Permiten al alumno, resolver problemas y elaborar productos en sus diversos contextos de vida. Optando, de este modo, por una forma diferente de ser inteligente; que se aparta de la clásica definición de inteligencia racional, y que se aproxima al contexto social real. El desarrollo de la educación emocional en la escuela, es una de las innovaciones psicopedagógicas más eficaces de los últimos años. Las cuales, a través de la aplicación de un plan de objetivos contextualizados, de acuerdo al nivel educativo en el que se encuentra el grupo de estudiantes, y bajo el liderazgo emocional del docente, responden a diferentes necesidades sociales, que no quedan suficientemente atendidas en las competencias académicas ordinarias. Lo que significa, que optar por la diversificación de capacidades y el desarrollo de estrategias metodológicas para la orientación, control y fortalecimiento del aspecto emocional, serán la base del éxito para mantener las buenas relaciones humanas y lograr la superación personal y profesional.
The demands of the world today have opened the field to the study of emotional intelligence, within the integral formation of the human being. A considerable number of researches conclude that emotions are a key piece of configuration for personal success, since the recognition and management of one's own and others' emotions results in people who are full and happy. Thus, society and the school are aware of the need for a specific curriculum that favors the identification and management of emotions. Emotions represent the way in which an individual reacts to various situations, learned through experiences and educated throughout the course of life. Emotional competencies regulate the emotional phenomena to which people are exposed daily. They allow students to solve problems and produce products in their different contexts of life. Opting, in this way, for a different way of being intelligent; which departs from the classical definition of rational intelligence, and which approaches the real social context. The development of emotional education in school is one of the most effective psychopedagogical innovations of recent years. Through the application of a plan of contextualized objectives, according to the educational level in which the group of students is located, and under the emotional leadership of the teacher, they respond to different social needs, which are not sufficiently addressed in ordinary academic competences. What means that to choose the diversification of capacities and the development of methodological strategies for the orientation, control and strengthening of the emotional aspect, will be the base of the success to maintain the good human relations and to obtain the personal and professional improvement.
The demands of the world today have opened the field to the study of emotional intelligence, within the integral formation of the human being. A considerable number of researches conclude that emotions are a key piece of configuration for personal success, since the recognition and management of one's own and others' emotions results in people who are full and happy. Thus, society and the school are aware of the need for a specific curriculum that favors the identification and management of emotions. Emotions represent the way in which an individual reacts to various situations, learned through experiences and educated throughout the course of life. Emotional competencies regulate the emotional phenomena to which people are exposed daily. They allow students to solve problems and produce products in their different contexts of life. Opting, in this way, for a different way of being intelligent; which departs from the classical definition of rational intelligence, and which approaches the real social context. The development of emotional education in school is one of the most effective psychopedagogical innovations of recent years. Through the application of a plan of contextualized objectives, according to the educational level in which the group of students is located, and under the emotional leadership of the teacher, they respond to different social needs, which are not sufficiently addressed in ordinary academic competences. What means that to choose the diversification of capacities and the development of methodological strategies for the orientation, control and strengthening of the emotional aspect, will be the base of the success to maintain the good human relations and to obtain the personal and professional improvement.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Primaria
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Grado o título: Licenciada en Educación Primaria
Fecha de registro: 19-ene-2018
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