Bibliographic citations
Pinedo, P., Vargas, M. (2009). Prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa del Hospital III - Iquitos - EsSalud - 2009 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana].
Pinedo, P., Vargas, M. Prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa del Hospital III - Iquitos - EsSalud - 2009 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana; 2009.
title = "Prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa del Hospital III - Iquitos - EsSalud - 2009",
author = "Vargas Pérez, María Luisa",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana",
year = "2009"
The obesity the same as the overweight you can present in any time of the person's life. These they have been considered as chronic illnesses characterized by the storage in excess of fatty fabric because the person ingests more calories of the one than she burns, this is accompanied of metabolic alterations which predispose to the presence of other pathologies like they are the endocrine, cardiovascular, metabolic, among others. The causes of the obesity and overweight are complex conditions and multifactoriales where are component genetic, metabolic, conductuales and environmental. The physical activity, defined as any corporal movement taken place by the skeletal muscles that it is in caloric expense, it not plays an important part in the prevention of the chronic illnesses transferable and it diminishes the risk of obesity, acting in the regulation of the energy balance and preserving or maintaining the meager mass in detriment of the fatty mass. It is necessary to point out that the monitorización of the nutritional state requires the employment of several tests of laboratories used jointly with each one of the derived data of the method antropométrico and also of the observation of clinical signs and symptoms of nutritional deficiencies and those of more importance to determine the prevalencia of the obesity and overweight associated with chronic illnesses is the valuation of the exams of Total Cholesterol, HDL Colesterol, LDL Colesterol, Triglicéridos and Glucose. Objective. To determine the Prevalencia of Overweight and Obesity in the mature patients assisted in the External Consultation of the Specialty of Endocrinología in the Hospital III-Iquitos –EsSalud, 2009. Methodology. The present investigation work, method that you uses was Quantitative and by means of a type of Descriptive, Prospective and Longitudinal design because it has allowed us to determine the Prevalencia of Overweight and Obesity in mature patients of both sexes, with ages from the 20 years until the 60 years that were assisted in the specialty of Endocrinología in the external consultation of the Hospital III –Iquitos - EsSalud, during the months of setiembre2009 until November 2009. Main Discoveries. It was determined that of a total of 219 mature patients 20 years old until the 60 years of age, of both sexes they were differences, statistically significant, in relation to the prevalencia of the Overweight and Obesity in mature patients with attention in the endocrinología specialty in the external consultation of the Hospital III Iquitos EsSalud; the Prevalencia of Overweight ugh bigger than that of Obesity with 71.2% with relationship to 28.8% respectively. The age with more prevalencia of overweight (40.4%) and Obesity (41.3%) it was of 40 years until the 49 years and the feminine sex (68.3%) of obesity and with more overweight the feminine sex (66.0%). Also adult patients with moderate physical activity had a prevalence of overweight (85.9%) and obesity (34.9.%). En the laboratory analyses were with high cholesterol 91.7 patient% with overweight and 100.0% with same obesidad.Asi they were with cholesterol HDl and LDL risen in 92.3% with overweight and 100.0% with obesity and in relation to the triglicéridos analyses it was elevated in patient obese with 92.1% and with overweight 89.7%. Patients with high glucose analysis, had a prevalence of obesity (46.8%) and obesity with one (42.9%) respectively. Conclusions. A bigger prevalencia of overweight that obesity and the feminine sex are exists but obese that the masculine sex and the age from the 40 years until the 49 years exist bigger `Prevalencia of obesity and overweight and they carried out a bigger moderate physical activity the patients with overweight and they were with total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL, cholesterol LDL and high triglicéridos the patients with obesity and the analysis of glucose were elevated in patient with overweight
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