Bibliographic citations
Robalino, D., Torres, C. (2021). Metabolitos secundarios y actividad antiinflamatoria in vitro de hojas de Laportea aestuans L. y Calathea lutea Schult sobre eritrocitos plasmáticos [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Robalino, D., Torres, C. Metabolitos secundarios y actividad antiinflamatoria in vitro de hojas de Laportea aestuans L. y Calathea lutea Schult sobre eritrocitos plasmáticos []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Metabolitos secundarios y actividad antiinflamatoria in vitro de hojas de Laportea aestuans L. y Calathea lutea Schult sobre eritrocitos plasmáticos",
author = "Torres Carrión, Crystian Alexis",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
Secondary metabolites and in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Laportea aestuans L. and Calathea lutea Schult leaves were evaluated on plasma erythrocytes. Quantification of phenolic compounds by UV / vis spectrophotometric techniques; analysis of alkaloids in soxhlet extraction and analysis of saponins by addition of the Lieberman-Burchard reagent. For anti-inflammatory activity (AAI), human blood was used at concentrations of 10, 100, 1000 and 4000 ug / mL of different extracts, using isosaline solution as dilution medium and hydrocortisone reference drug. For phenolic compounds L. aestuans L. and C. lutea Schult .; the latter obtained higher results with 15 105.058 mg / 100g for total phenols, flavonoids 18.735 mg / 100g, anthocyanins 1.809 mg / 100g and catechins 0.003 mg / 100g the same that was the same for L. aestuans L. In alkaloids, L. aestuans L. with 27.94 mg / 100g; while C. lutea Schult obtained 31.82 mg / 100g. For saponins, C. lutea Schult., L. aestuans L. presented the highest amount with 493,257 mg / 100g. In AAI, it is concluded that C. lutea Schult for 10, 100, 1000 and 4000 ug / mL obtained 19.91%; 29.44%, 37.23% and 41.13%; L. aestuans L. presented 15.05%; 22.33%, 39.81% and 43.69% inhibition. Hydrocortisone presented 28.64%; 33.98%, 50.97% and 79.13% inhibition of red blood cell membrane protection. L. aestuans L. obtained IC50 = 11914.42 ug, which indicates that at this concentration it produces inhibition in terms of protection of the red blood cell membrane; while C. lutea Schult obtained an IC50 = 41084.92 ug. Hydrocortisone obtained a lower IC50 = 316.15 ug, which shows that it is the one with the best anti-inflammatory activity.
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