Bibliographic citations
Mora, K., (2020). Actitud y prácticas frente a la vacunación en madres de niños menores de cinco años que acuden al Puesto de Salud Saylla, Cusco-2019 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Mora, K., Actitud y prácticas frente a la vacunación en madres de niños menores de cinco años que acuden al Puesto de Salud Saylla, Cusco-2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "Actitud y prácticas frente a la vacunación en madres de niños menores de cinco años que acuden al Puesto de Salud Saylla, Cusco-2019",
author = "Mora Condori, Katherin",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
The present work entitled “ATTITUDE AND PRACTICES REGARDING VACCINATION IN MOTHERS OF CHILDREN UNDER FIVE YEARS OLD AT THE SAYLLA HEALTH POSITION, CUSCO - 2019“ meant to determine the attitude and practice towards vaccination in mothers of children under the age of five years attending the Saylla Post, Cusco; 2019. The methodological design was of a descriptive cross-sectional type with a sample of 110 mothers, the technique was the interview and the instrument was the survey. In relation to general information on mothers of children under 5 years of age who accessed the Health Post, Saylla found that: 37.3% were between 15 and 18 years old; 46.4% have the civil status of cohabitants, 45.5% have a secondary education level; 41.8% are dedicated to agriculture; 35.5% have more than 3 children, and finally 38.2% speak Quechua and Spanish. Regarding the mothers' attitude towards vaccination: in the cognitive component 52.7% have an unfavorable cognitive attitude and 47.3% have a favorable cognitive attitude; in the behavioral component 67.3% have a favorable attitude in immuno-preventive behavior and 32.7% have an unfavorable attitude; in the affective component 57.3% of mothers have an unfavorable affective attitude in relation to the vaccination of their children and 42.7% have a favorable attitude. In general, the attitude of mothers of children under 5 years of age 52.4% has a favorable attitude towards vaccination and 47.6% unfavorable. Regarding the practice against vaccination carried out by the mothers of children under 5 years of age who accessed the Saylla Health Post, Cusco could find that: 62.8% have a poor practice against vaccination and 37.2% an efficient practice.
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