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Campana, S., (2024). Gestión del talento humano en la Municipalidad Provincial de Canchis - Sicuani, 2023 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Campana, S., Gestión del talento humano en la Municipalidad Provincial de Canchis - Sicuani, 2023 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Gestión del talento humano en la Municipalidad Provincial de Canchis - Sicuani, 2023",
author = "Campana Macedo, Sharon Antuanet",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Título: Gestión del talento humano en la Municipalidad Provincial de Canchis - Sicuani, 2023
Autor(es): Campana Macedo, Sharon Antuanet
Asesor(es): Pando Díaz, Waldo Alex
Palabras clave: Gestión del talento humano; Recompensar; Desarrollar; Supervisar
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 6-mar-2024
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: En este estudio de investigación, se persiguió el objetivo general de "Describir cómo se lleva a
cabo la gestión del talento humano en la municipalidad provincial de Canchis - Sicuani, 2023".
Para abordar este propósito, la variable en cuestión fue evaluada a través de seis dimensiones:
procesos para integrar, comprometer, utilizar, recompensar, desarrollar, supervisar talentos y
competencias. Se seleccionó un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo, empleando un diseño
descriptivo no experimental. La población de estudio abarcó a 192 trabajadores, entre nombrados,
permanentes y CAS de la municipalidad provincial de Canchis-Sicuani, a quienes se les aplicó un
Se llevó a cabo el análisis de datos utilizando las herramientas estadísticas proporcionadas por los
programas SPSS y Excel.
Los hallazgos adquiridos se detallan a continuación: En relación al proceso para integrar talentos
y competencias, se obtuvo un promedio de 3.14, indicando que es poco adecuado. En los procesos
para comprometer talentos y equipos, el promedio fue de 3.17, revelando que es poco adecuado.
En los procesos para utilizar talentos y competencias, el promedio fue de 3.05, indicando que es
poco adecuado. En el proceso para recompensar talentos y equipos, se registró un promedio de
2.98, mostrando que es poco adecuado. En el proceso para desarrollar talentos, equipos y
organizaciones, el promedio fue de 2.77, calificando como poco adecuado. En el proceso para
supervisar talentos y equipos, se consiguió una cifra promedio de 3.46, revelando que es adecuado.
Asimismo, el resultado final de la variable gestión del talento humano arrojó un promedio de 3.10,
calificando como poco adecuado.
In this research study, the general objective of "Describe how human talent management is carried out in the provincial municipality of Canchis- Sicuani, 2023" was pursued. To address this purpose, the variable in question was evaluated through six dimensions: processes to integrate, engage, use, reward, develop, supervise talents and competencies. The methodology adopted was a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental descriptive design. The study population included 192 workers, including appointed, permanent and CAS of the provincial municipality of Canchis- Sicuani, to whom a questionnaire was applied. The data were analyzed using the SPSS and Excel statistical programs. The results obtained were the following: In relation to the process to integrate talents and competencies, an average of 3.14 was obtained, indicating that it is not very adequate. In the processes to engage talents and teams, the average was 3.17, revealing that it is not very adequate. In the processes to use talents and competencies, the average was 3.05, indicating that it is not very adequate. In the process to reward talents and teams, an average of 2.98 was recorded, showing that it is not very adequate. In the process to develop talents, teams and organizations, the average was 2.77, qualifying as poorly adequate. In the process to supervise talents and teams, an average of 3.46 was obtained, revealing that it is adequate. Likewise, the final result of the human talent management variable showed an average of 3.10, qualifying as not very adequate.
In this research study, the general objective of "Describe how human talent management is carried out in the provincial municipality of Canchis- Sicuani, 2023" was pursued. To address this purpose, the variable in question was evaluated through six dimensions: processes to integrate, engage, use, reward, develop, supervise talents and competencies. The methodology adopted was a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental descriptive design. The study population included 192 workers, including appointed, permanent and CAS of the provincial municipality of Canchis- Sicuani, to whom a questionnaire was applied. The data were analyzed using the SPSS and Excel statistical programs. The results obtained were the following: In relation to the process to integrate talents and competencies, an average of 3.14 was obtained, indicating that it is not very adequate. In the processes to engage talents and teams, the average was 3.17, revealing that it is not very adequate. In the processes to use talents and competencies, the average was 3.05, indicating that it is not very adequate. In the process to reward talents and teams, an average of 2.98 was recorded, showing that it is not very adequate. In the process to develop talents, teams and organizations, the average was 2.77, qualifying as poorly adequate. In the process to supervise talents and teams, an average of 3.46 was obtained, revealing that it is adequate. Likewise, the final result of the human talent management variable showed an average of 3.10, qualifying as not very adequate.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grado o título: Licenciada en Administración
Jurado: Campaña Morro, Waldo Enrique; Cornejo Rojas, Angela Natassia; Valencia Vila, José Luis; Vizcarra Mejía, Eddy
Fecha de registro: 28-may-2024
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