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Barrientos, C., (2021). Peligro sísmico en la subcuenca del Cusco- 2019 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Barrientos, C., Peligro sísmico en la subcuenca del Cusco- 2019 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "Peligro sísmico en la subcuenca del Cusco- 2019",
author = "Barrientos Guzmán, Carlos Walter",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
Título: Peligro sísmico en la subcuenca del Cusco- 2019
Autor(es): Barrientos Guzmán, Carlos Walter
Asesor(es): Silva Sierra, Jorge Ramón
Palabras clave: Peligro sísmico; Microzonificación; Amplificación sísmica; Neotectónica
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 24-sep-2021
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: El presente trabajo intitulado “Peligro sísmico en la subcuenca del Cusco-2019”,
tiene un carácter integral, abarca los aspectos Sismológicos, Geológicos, Tectónicos para
lograr una ciudad segura, resiliente y sostenible y cumplir con los objetivos del desarrollo
La ciudad del Cusco se halla emplazada en la depresión del valle del Cusco,
rellenada por un material lacustre inconsolidado, abarca un área de 497.01 km² (divortium
aquarium) y con una altitud media de 3350m.s.n.m. emplazada dentro del sistema fallas
Cusco, las que provocaron terremotos desastrosos siendo los últimos sismos más
importantes el de 1650, 1950 y 1986, donde los peligros sísmicos están asociados a fallas
neotectónicas, La fuente sismogénica principal es la falla de Tambomachay (22km de
longitud ), y la probable falla Cusco que pasaría por el medio de la ciudad, generadoras
del peligro sísmico, con una litología de conos aluviales, gravas, arenas, limos, arcillas,
diatomitas, poco cohesivas con nivel freático superficial, estas adicionan el peligro
sísmico. El 80% de las viviendas en la subcuenca del Cusco están ubicadas sobre la
formación lacustre San Sebastián el cual es una formación geológica incompetente, y la
expansión urbana es desordenada, caótica sin planificación.
Se confecciono un catálogo sísmico, se muestran los reportes del año 1990 al 2019
con apoyo de algunos sismos históricos, con magnitudes moderadas, hallando la
magnitud máxima de 6.5 que se produciría en la ciudad del Cusco.
Se realizó la microzonificación sísmica de la subcuenca del Cusco para la
determinación del período fundamental de vibración de los suelos del Cusco a partir de
mediciones de vibración ambiental con un acelerómetro triaxial avanzado. Se midieron
29 puntos usando ruido sísmico ambiental, calculándose el Cociente Espectral H/V. los
resultados nos muestran que el suelo es malo a muy malo, con Amplificaciones sísmicas
de 5 a 6 veces.
Se hizo una corrida del peligro sísmico de la ciudad del Cusco en el software RCRISIS,
dando como resultado una aceleración de 450 Gal. El cual causaría un gran
desastre en la ciudad. Para el plano del peligro sísmico se utilizó la metodología del
CENEPRED, los resultados nos indican que gran parte de la ciudad del Cusco es de
peligro alto, especialmente el distrito de San Sebastián, Wánchaq, San Jerónimo, por tener
mayores espesores de suelos, depósitos palustres, lacustres, con presencia de licuefacción
de suelos y amplificaciones sísmicas.
The present work entitled “Seismic Hazard in the Cusco Sub-basin-2019“, is comprehensive in nature, covers seismological, geological, and tectonic aspects to achieve a safe, resilient and sustainable city and meet the objectives of sustainable development. The city of Cusco is located in the depression of the Cusco valley, filled with unconsolidated lake material, covers an area of 497.01 km² (divortium aquarium) and with an average altitude of 3350m.s.n.m. located within the Cusco fault system, which caused disastrous earthquakes, the last most important earthquakes being those of 1650, 1950 and 1986, where seismic hazards are associated with neotectonic faults, The main seismogenic source is the Tambomachay fault (22km long) , and the probable Cusco fault that would pass through the middle of the city, generators of seismic danger, with a lithology of alluvial cones, gravels, sands, silts, clays, diatomites, little cohesive with a superficial phreatic level, these add the seismic danger. 80% of the houses in the subbasin of Cusco are located on the San Sebastián lake formation, which is an incompetent geological formation, and urban expansion is disorderly, chaotic without planning. A seismic catalog was made, the reports from 1990 to 2019 are shown with the support of some historical earthquakes, with moderate magnitudes, finding the maximum magnitude of 6.5 that would occur in the city of Cusco. The seismic microzoning of the Cusco sub-basin was carried out to determine the fundamental period of vibration of the Cusco soils from environmental vibration measurements with an advanced triaxial accelerometer. 29 points were measured using ambient seismic noise, calculating the H / V Spectral Ratio. The results show us that the soil is bad to very bad, with seismic amplifications of 5 to 6 times. A run of the seismic hazard of the city of Cusco was made in the R-CRISIS software, resulting in an acceleration of 450 Gal. Which would cause a great disaster in the city. For the seismic hazard plan, the CENEPRED methodology was used, the results indicate that a large part of the city of Cusco is highly dangerous, especially the district of San Sebastián, Wanchaq, San Jerónimo, due to having greater thickness of soils, deposits marsh, lacustrine, with the presence of soil liquefaction and seismic amplifications.
The present work entitled “Seismic Hazard in the Cusco Sub-basin-2019“, is comprehensive in nature, covers seismological, geological, and tectonic aspects to achieve a safe, resilient and sustainable city and meet the objectives of sustainable development. The city of Cusco is located in the depression of the Cusco valley, filled with unconsolidated lake material, covers an area of 497.01 km² (divortium aquarium) and with an average altitude of 3350m.s.n.m. located within the Cusco fault system, which caused disastrous earthquakes, the last most important earthquakes being those of 1650, 1950 and 1986, where seismic hazards are associated with neotectonic faults, The main seismogenic source is the Tambomachay fault (22km long) , and the probable Cusco fault that would pass through the middle of the city, generators of seismic danger, with a lithology of alluvial cones, gravels, sands, silts, clays, diatomites, little cohesive with a superficial phreatic level, these add the seismic danger. 80% of the houses in the subbasin of Cusco are located on the San Sebastián lake formation, which is an incompetent geological formation, and urban expansion is disorderly, chaotic without planning. A seismic catalog was made, the reports from 1990 to 2019 are shown with the support of some historical earthquakes, with moderate magnitudes, finding the maximum magnitude of 6.5 that would occur in the city of Cusco. The seismic microzoning of the Cusco sub-basin was carried out to determine the fundamental period of vibration of the Cusco soils from environmental vibration measurements with an advanced triaxial accelerometer. 29 points were measured using ambient seismic noise, calculating the H / V Spectral Ratio. The results show us that the soil is bad to very bad, with seismic amplifications of 5 to 6 times. A run of the seismic hazard of the city of Cusco was made in the R-CRISIS software, resulting in an acceleration of 450 Gal. Which would cause a great disaster in the city. For the seismic hazard plan, the CENEPRED methodology was used, the results indicate that a large part of the city of Cusco is highly dangerous, especially the district of San Sebastián, Wanchaq, San Jerónimo, due to having greater thickness of soils, deposits marsh, lacustrine, with the presence of soil liquefaction and seismic amplifications.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Escuela de Pos Grado
Grado o título: Doctor en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Jurado: Mendoza Quispe, Luis Amadeo; Chacón Sánchez, Víctor; Holguín Segovia, Alejandrino Donato; Pezo Zegarra, Eliot
Fecha de registro: 1-jul-2022
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