Bibliographic citations
Sullcahuaman, D., (2023). Factores que influyen en el desistimiento de las víctimas que presentaron denuncias por violencia familiar en la primera fiscalía provincial penal corporativa de Abancay – periodo 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Sullcahuaman, D., Factores que influyen en el desistimiento de las víctimas que presentaron denuncias por violencia familiar en la primera fiscalía provincial penal corporativa de Abancay – periodo 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Factores que influyen en el desistimiento de las víctimas que presentaron denuncias por violencia familiar en la primera fiscalía provincial penal corporativa de Abancay – periodo 2022",
author = "Sullcahuaman Llerena, Doris Dona",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The present study, factors that influence the desistance of victims who filed complaints for Family Violence in the First corporate criminal Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Abancay - period 2022, is limited to the city of Abancay - Apurímac, a department with a high rate of family violence and against women, where it is observed that, as the investigations progress, the initial conviction of the complaints transforms into a withdrawal that most of the time leads to the filing of the cases. The main objective of this investigation is to determine the factors that influence the desistance of victims in their complaints filed for family violence (understood as their lack of persistence and active participation in the results of the process) in the First Corporate Criminal Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Abancay. - period 2022. To this end, a qualitative research approach was applied, conducting semi-structured interviews with five experts in the matter (4 prosecutors and a criminal lawyer) and 9 victims who gave up their complaints. The research concludes that the economic dependence and the reconciliation of the injured parties with their aggressors contribute significantly to the victims' decision to desist from their complaints of family violence, and this significantly affects the administration of justice, since it involves operating the justice apparatus. of the state in vain. Finally, some alternatives are proposed that could provide a solution, such as the implementation in our fiscal district of prosecutor's offices specialized in violence against women and members of the family group to deal with cases of family violence, so that these cases can be attended to under conditions appropriate, seeking the active participation of victims throughout the process.
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