Citas bibligráficas
Atau, P., Serpa, M. (2017). Vivencias y percepciones de mujeres que tuvieron atención de parto vertical con adecuación intercultural en el centro de salud de Huancarani Cusco 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Atau, P., Serpa, M. Vivencias y percepciones de mujeres que tuvieron atención de parto vertical con adecuación intercultural en el centro de salud de Huancarani Cusco 2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Vivencias y percepciones de mujeres que tuvieron atención de parto vertical con adecuación intercultural en el centro de salud de Huancarani Cusco 2017.",
author = "Serpa Durand, María Eugenia",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
Experiences and perceptions of women who had vertical birth care with intercultural adaptation at the Health Center of Huancarani Cusco 2017 A study whose objective was to evaluate the experiences and perceptions of women who had care of vertical birth with intercultural adaptation in the Health Center of Huancarani, with qualitative methodology, cross-sectional, prospective, non-experimental, where surveys were performed on women who had attention Of vertical delivery. Results: The sociodemographic characteristics found were aged between sixteen and thirty-eight years of age, married and cohabiting with incomplete primary and secondary education, housewife occupation; Also the obstetric characteristics found in the study population are multiparous; Mostly without a history of abortion followed by an abortion as a history and two abortions; With a history of vertical delivery; The type of vertical delivery that stands out is kneeling followed by squatting the accompaniment of the couple at the time of delivery was in most cases. The meaning of vertical delivery with intercultural adaptation for women who were cared for at the Huancarani Health Center is to give birth in a natural way where obstetrics staff helps with family members. The positive experiences in the care of their births make vertical delivery better seen, with fewer complications and that will be transmitted from generation to generation, otherwise it occurs with gestations with some added pathology which are often referred to the city for its Resolution and care ends in a horizontal or cesarean delivery, perceptions of vertical delivery are positive.
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