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Champi, Y., (2020). Cultura organizacional en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (Ugel) – Canchis, 2020 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Champi, Y., Cultura organizacional en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (Ugel) – Canchis, 2020 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "Cultura organizacional en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (Ugel) – Canchis, 2020",
author = "Champi Jallo, Yesica",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
Título: Cultura organizacional en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (Ugel) – Canchis, 2020
Autor(es): Champi Jallo, Yesica
Asesor(es): Loayza Chácara, Mercedes Fidelia
Palabras clave: Clima organizacional; Valores dominantes; Sistema educativo
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 11-sep-2020
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó a los colaboradores de la Unidad de Gestión
Educativa Local (UGEL) Canchis, donde se designó como objetivo general describir como es
la cultura organizacional en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (UGEL) Canchis 2020, se
estudió conceptualmente la variable cultura organizacional el cual es buena, a su vez describir
las dimensiones regularidad de comportamientos observados, normas, valores dominantes,
filosofía, reglas, clima organizacional. El tipo de investigación es básico, el alcance descriptivo,
el enfoque es cuantitativo, diseño de investigación no experimental, la población fue de 80
colaboradores de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (UGEL) Canchis, para la recopilación
de información se aplicó una encuesta formada por 27 preguntas elaboradas para el trabajo de
investigación, los resultados concurrieron al proceso y análisis por el programa estadístico
Excel y SPSS. Como resultado de investigación nos muestran lo siguiente: que la cultura
organizacional de los colaboradores de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (UGEL) Canchis
se encuentra con un promedio de 3.60 el cual indica que es buena, la regularidad de
comportamientos observados se encuentra con un promedio de 3.87 el cual indica que es buena,
las normas se encuentran con un promedio de 3.93 el cual indica que es buena, los valores
dominantes se encuentran con un promedio de 3.38 el cual indica que es regular, la filosofía se
encuentra con un promedio de 3.38 el cual indica que es regular, las reglas se encuentran con
un promedio de 3.54 el cual indica que es buena y el clima organizacional se encuentra con un
promedio de 3.50 el cual indica que es buena según la escala de medición.
This research work was carried out to the collaborators of the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis, where it was designated as a general objective to describe how the organizational culture is in the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis 2020, it was conceptually studied the organizational culture variable which is good, in turn describe the regularity dimensions of observed behaviors, norms, dominant values, philosophy, rules, organizational climate. The type of research is basic, the descriptive scope, the approach is quantitative, non-experimental research design, the population was 80 collaborators from the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis, for the collection of information a survey was applied For 27 questions prepared for the research work, the results were included in the process and analysis by the statistical program Excel and SPSS. As a result of research they show us the following: that the organizational culture of the collaborators of the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis is found with an average of 3.60, which indicates that it is good, the regularity of observed behaviors is found to be average of 3.87 which indicates that it is good, the norms are found with an average of 3.93 which indicates that it is good, the dominant values are found with an average of 3.38 which indicates that it is regular, philosophy meets an average of 3.38 which indicates that it is regular, the rules are found with an average of 3.54 which indicates that it is good and the organizational climate is found with an average of 3.50 which indicates that it is good according to the measurement scale.
This research work was carried out to the collaborators of the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis, where it was designated as a general objective to describe how the organizational culture is in the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis 2020, it was conceptually studied the organizational culture variable which is good, in turn describe the regularity dimensions of observed behaviors, norms, dominant values, philosophy, rules, organizational climate. The type of research is basic, the descriptive scope, the approach is quantitative, non-experimental research design, the population was 80 collaborators from the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis, for the collection of information a survey was applied For 27 questions prepared for the research work, the results were included in the process and analysis by the statistical program Excel and SPSS. As a result of research they show us the following: that the organizational culture of the collaborators of the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Canchis is found with an average of 3.60, which indicates that it is good, the regularity of observed behaviors is found to be average of 3.87 which indicates that it is good, the norms are found with an average of 3.93 which indicates that it is good, the dominant values are found with an average of 3.38 which indicates that it is regular, philosophy meets an average of 3.38 which indicates that it is regular, the rules are found with an average of 3.54 which indicates that it is good and the organizational climate is found with an average of 3.50 which indicates that it is good according to the measurement scale.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grado o título: Licenciada en Administración
Jurado: Gonzales Abrill, Hernando; Alviz Pazos, Susi; Fuentes Tupayachi, Cristina; Segundo Salazar, Belissa Fiorella
Fecha de registro: 18-nov-2021
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