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Sara, A., (2022). Legislación ambiental frente a los incendios forestales en la provincia de Canchis - 2021 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Sara, A., Legislación ambiental frente a los incendios forestales en la provincia de Canchis - 2021 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Legislación ambiental frente a los incendios forestales en la provincia de Canchis - 2021",
author = "Sara Vilca, Alfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
Título: Legislación ambiental frente a los incendios forestales en la provincia de Canchis - 2021
Autor(es): Sara Vilca, Alfredo
Asesor(es): Escalante Cárdenas, César Eduardo
Palabras clave: Incendios forestales; Leyes ambientales; Leyes ambientales; Cobertura natural
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 16-dic-2022
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: El constante desarrollo de los pueblos no solo ha permitido el crecimiento económico
y productivo de los pobladores, sino también va generando diversas acciones que afectan
notablemente al medio ambiente, sucesos como los incendios forestales generan
constantemente daños a la cobertura natural del suelo que forman parte de las comunidades
de la provincia de Canchis, a nivel regional y nacional, por lo que es urgente realizar una
revisión a las leyes ambientales, motivando de esta forma el objetivo del presente trabajo de
investigación que está enfocado en Determinar la eficacia de la aplicación de la legislación
ambiental frente a los incendios forestales, conformando este estudio 50 personas de las
diversas comunidades de la provincia de Canchis elegidas al azar. Para realizar el análisis de
la investigación se hizo uso de un diseño con un enfoque cuantitativo, teniendo la finalidad de
recopilar información importante. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron evidenciar la falta de
eficiencia de las leyes ambientales para lograr prevenir y erradicar los incendios forestales en
la provincia de Canchis, siendo urgente la revisión de estas leyes para lograr una mayor
participación de las autoridades competentes y sancionar a los responsables, asimismo
promover capacitaciones a través de diversas instituciones estatales y privadas, con la
finalidad de desarrollar una cultura de conservación y preservación del medio ambiente y
respeto irrestricto a las leyes.
The constant development of the towns has not only allowed the economic and productive growth of the inhabitants, but also generates various actions that significantly affect the environment, events such as forest fires constantly generate damage to the natural cover that is part of the communities. of the province of Canchis, at a regional and national level, so it is urgent to carry out a review of environmental laws, thus motivating the objective of this research work that is focused on determining the effectiveness of the application of environmental legislation. against forest fires Determine the effectiveness of the application of environmental legislation against forest fires, making up this study 50 people from the various communities of the province of Canchis chosen at random. To carry out the analysis of the research, a design with a quantitative approach was used, with the purpose of collecting important information. The results obtained made it possible to demonstrate the lack of efficiency of environmental laws to prevent and eradicate forest fires in the province of Canchis, being urgent the review of these laws to achieve greater participation of the competent authorities and sanction those responsible, as well promote training through various state and private institutions, in order to develop a culture of conservation and preservation of the environment and unrestricted respect for the law.
The constant development of the towns has not only allowed the economic and productive growth of the inhabitants, but also generates various actions that significantly affect the environment, events such as forest fires constantly generate damage to the natural cover that is part of the communities. of the province of Canchis, at a regional and national level, so it is urgent to carry out a review of environmental laws, thus motivating the objective of this research work that is focused on determining the effectiveness of the application of environmental legislation. against forest fires Determine the effectiveness of the application of environmental legislation against forest fires, making up this study 50 people from the various communities of the province of Canchis chosen at random. To carry out the analysis of the research, a design with a quantitative approach was used, with the purpose of collecting important information. The results obtained made it possible to demonstrate the lack of efficiency of environmental laws to prevent and eradicate forest fires in the province of Canchis, being urgent the review of these laws to achieve greater participation of the competent authorities and sanction those responsible, as well promote training through various state and private institutions, in order to develop a culture of conservation and preservation of the environment and unrestricted respect for the law.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grado o título: Abogado
Jurado: Rivero Ynfantas, Fernando; Nuñez Alvarez, Leonidas; Yoshisato Alvarez, Mario; Olivares Torre, Gretel Roxana
Fecha de registro: 27-jun-2023
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