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Quispe, S., (2022). Análisis de créditos y morosidad de la Caja Municipal Arequipa agencia Puerto Maldonado – 2020 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Quispe, S., Análisis de créditos y morosidad de la Caja Municipal Arequipa agencia Puerto Maldonado – 2020 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Análisis de créditos y morosidad de la Caja Municipal Arequipa agencia Puerto Maldonado – 2020",
author = "Quispe Báez, Saniri",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
Título: Análisis de créditos y morosidad de la Caja Municipal Arequipa agencia Puerto Maldonado – 2020
Autor(es): Quispe Báez, Saniri
Asesor(es): Quispe Sánchez, Silverio
Palabras clave: Morosidad; Crédito financiero; Políticas de crédito
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 14-feb-2022
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: El presente trabajo de investigación “Análisis de Créditos y Morosidad de la Caja Municipal
Arequipa Agencia Puerto Maldonado – 2020” tiene por como objetivo describir la relación entre
el Análisis de Créditos y la Morosidad de la Caja Municipal en la entidad antes señalada, para
lo cual se ha empleado los métodos correlacionales porque tiene dos variables análisis de crédito
y morosidad. La tesis de investigación se elaboró debido a que existe una problemática de
análisis de crédito y morosidad, en la Caja Municipal Arequipa de la Ciudad de Puerto
Maldonado, debido a esto se realizó la presente investigación, utilizando dos variables muy
importantes como es la variable de Análisis de Crédito y Morosidad, de igual forma se utilizó
las dimensiones para la variable 1 se utilizó la dimensión políticas de crédito, evaluación de
ratios, para la variable morosidad se utilizó las dimensiones Perdida, Riesgo crediticio,
incumplimiento de pago, teniendo objetivos general y especifico, si existe relación entre las dos
variables, está presente investigación es un enfoque cuantitativo de alcance correlacional ya que
cuenta con dos varíales, para la utilización de recolección de datos se utilizó dos encuestasuna
para la variable Análisis de Crédito, y la otra para la Morosidad, nuestra población está
conformada por 80 clientes morosos con más de 360 días de mora de la Caja Municipal de
Arequipa, en el cual se obtuvo una representación según formula de determinación del tamaño
de la muestra es de 67 encuestados, teniendo un muestreo probabilístico, cuenta con hipótesis,
de igual forma cuenta con antecedentes nacionales e internacionales nuestro resultados fueron
que existe relación positiva entre las variables análisis de crédito y morosidad que alcanza un
índice 22,458, con un nivel de confianza del 88% el coeficiente de determinación R cuadrado
es de 0.004 lo cual indica que el 32.8% existe relación con la variable morosidad y según la tabla
cruzada de morosidad y análisis de créditos para la morosidad indica que es de 68.7% asícomo
se aprecia en la tabla indicada. Para la investigación de la variable Análisis de Crédito dela Caja
Municipal Arequipa según la tabla 7, figura 4 de los 67 encuestados se puede observar que 22
encuestados indicaron casi siempre, con un porcentaje de 32,8% y de 21 encuestados indicaron
regular, con un porcentaje de 31.3% mientras que 10 encuestados indicaron siempre,con un
porcentaje de 14,9%.En la Tabla 10 figura Nro. 7 se puede observar que de los 67 encuestados,
46 de ellos indicaron de acuerdo con un índice porcentual de 68,7%, así mismo que el 16.4% de
los 11 encuestados le da un nivel de indeciso mientras que el 14,9% de los 10 encuestados están
totalmente de acuerdo
This research thesis was developed due to the fact that there is a problem of analysis of credit and delinquency, in the Caja Municipal Arequipa of the City of Puerto Maldonado, due to this the present investigation was carried out, using two very important variables such as the variable Analysis of Credit and Delinquency, in the same way, the dimensions were used for variable 1, the dimension of credit policies, evaluation of ratios, was used for the delinquency variable, the dimensions Lost, credit risk, non-payment were used, having general objectives and specifically, if there is a relationship between the two variables, this present research is a quantitative approach of correlational scope since it has two variables, for the use of data collection, two surveys were used, one for the Credit Analysis variable, and the other For Delinquency, our population is made up of 80 delinquent clients with more than 360 days in arrears of l a Municipal Fund of Arequipa, in which a representation was obtained according to the formula for determining the sample size is 67 respondents, having a probabilistic sampling, it has hypotheses, in the same way it has national and international antecedents our results were that there is positive relationship between the variables credit analysis and delinquency that reaches an index of 22,458, with a confidence level of 88%, the coefficient of determination R squared is 0.004, which indicates that 32.8% is related to the variable delinquency and according to the table Crusade of delinquency and credit analysis for delinquency indicates that it is 68.7%, as can be seen in the indicated table. For the investigation of the Credit Analysis variable of the Caja Municipal Arequipa according to table 7, figure 4 of the 67 respondents can be seen that 22 respondents indicated almost always, with a percentage of 32.8% and of 21 respondents indicated regular, with a percentage of 31.3% while 10 respondents always indicated, with a percentage of 14.9%. In Table 10, figure No. 7 can be seen that of the 67 respondents, 46 of them indicated according to a percentage index of 68.7%, as well as 16.4% of the 11 respondents give it a level of undecided while 14.9% of the 10 respondents totally agree.
This research thesis was developed due to the fact that there is a problem of analysis of credit and delinquency, in the Caja Municipal Arequipa of the City of Puerto Maldonado, due to this the present investigation was carried out, using two very important variables such as the variable Analysis of Credit and Delinquency, in the same way, the dimensions were used for variable 1, the dimension of credit policies, evaluation of ratios, was used for the delinquency variable, the dimensions Lost, credit risk, non-payment were used, having general objectives and specifically, if there is a relationship between the two variables, this present research is a quantitative approach of correlational scope since it has two variables, for the use of data collection, two surveys were used, one for the Credit Analysis variable, and the other For Delinquency, our population is made up of 80 delinquent clients with more than 360 days in arrears of l a Municipal Fund of Arequipa, in which a representation was obtained according to the formula for determining the sample size is 67 respondents, having a probabilistic sampling, it has hypotheses, in the same way it has national and international antecedents our results were that there is positive relationship between the variables credit analysis and delinquency that reaches an index of 22,458, with a confidence level of 88%, the coefficient of determination R squared is 0.004, which indicates that 32.8% is related to the variable delinquency and according to the table Crusade of delinquency and credit analysis for delinquency indicates that it is 68.7%, as can be seen in the indicated table. For the investigation of the Credit Analysis variable of the Caja Municipal Arequipa according to table 7, figure 4 of the 67 respondents can be seen that 22 respondents indicated almost always, with a percentage of 32.8% and of 21 respondents indicated regular, with a percentage of 31.3% while 10 respondents always indicated, with a percentage of 14.9%. In Table 10, figure No. 7 can be seen that of the 67 respondents, 46 of them indicated according to a percentage index of 68.7%, as well as 16.4% of the 11 respondents give it a level of undecided while 14.9% of the 10 respondents totally agree.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Contabilidad
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grado o título: Contadora Pública
Jurado: Hancco Ccopa, Mauro; Caller Farfán, Jessica Betsabe; Paredes Valverde, Patricia; Jurado Rivera, Darcy Augusto
Fecha de registro: 15-may-2023
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