Bibliographic citations
Calderon, B., (2021). Estilos de pensamiento e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes del V ciclo de una institución educativa de San Juan de Miraflores [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Calderon, B., Estilos de pensamiento e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes del V ciclo de una institución educativa de San Juan de Miraflores []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2021.
title = "Estilos de pensamiento e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes del V ciclo de una institución educativa de San Juan de Miraflores",
author = "Calderon Aulla, Bique Maricruz",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2021"
The objective of this present research study was to establish the relationship that exists between thinking styles and emotional intelligence in students of V cycle of the I.E. No. 6046 Virgin of Fatima UGEL 01 San Juan de Miraflores. For his nature the study had a quantitative approach, substantive or basic, with Descriptive design - correlational and deductive hypothetical method. The sample was defined to through the type of non- probabilistic, intentional and census sampling, complying with 25 students of the educational institution mentioned. The technique used was the survey and as instruments the Sternberg Questionnaire - Wagner Form A on styles was used of thought and the Questionnaire on emotional intelligence. Statistical data. They were processed through the SPSS program in its latest version. The conclusions at which arrived, are the following: There is a significant relationship between styles of thought, on a total level and by dimensions: function, forms,scope and inclinations, and levels, and emotional intelligence in students of the V cycle of an educational institution in San Juan de Miraflores.
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