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Carranza, R., (2023). What is your daily routine? [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Carranza, R., What is your daily routine? []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2023.
title = "What is your daily routine?",
author = "Carranza Simón, Rosa Katherine",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2023"
Title: What is your daily routine?
Authors(s): Carranza Simón, Rosa Katherine
Advisor(s): Rodríguez Sánchez, Silvia Verónica
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Abstract: En una clase de inglés dinámica y adaptada a alumnos de primero de secundaria, nos enfocamos en el problema de redactar un texto en el idioma inglés. Esta sesión se diseñó minuciosamente para adaptarse a la Competencia 3 del plan de estudios del Ministerio de Educación, que se centra en capacitar a los estudiantes para desarrollar diversos textos en inglés. En este trabajo de suficiencia profesional, el tema de la clase "¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria?". Es un tema que resuena en estudiantes de todas las edades y procedencias para expresar sus hábitos. Durante la sesión, se logró que los alumnos compartan su rutina diaria. El objetivo principal de la clase es desarrollar el Desempeño 3, que consiste en producir textos escritos en inglés que sean coherentes usando la gramática y el vocabulario necesario. Utilizando un plan cuidadosamente estructurado, se introduce a los alumnos vocabulario relevante asociado a su rutina cotidiana y se les orienta en el uso de las estructuras gramaticales necesarias para una expresión eficaz. La clase incluía elementos interactivos, como ejercicios de vocabulario, actividades de formación de frases y tareas de escritura. El punto culminante de la sesión es un texto en el que los alumnos trabajan individualmente. Ellos compusieron breves oraciones sobre su rutina diaria. En esta aplicación practicamos los conocimientos recién adquiridos que permitieron a los alumnos desarrollar sus habilidades de forma concreta. Durante la sesión, el profesor desarrolló un entorno de aprendizaje de manera amena y didáctica alentando la participación activa y respondiendo a las dudas de los estudiantes. El empeño fue evidente cuando describieron su rutina diaria a sus compañeros, en el cual recibieron comentarios constructivos que mejoraron tanto su habilidad de producir un texto como su seguridad en el uso del idioma inglés. En conclusión, esta clase no sólo facilita a los alumnos una forma para centrarse en la capacidad para expresar y escribir sobre su rutina diaria, sino que también se les proporcionó ciertas herramientas lingüísticas necesarias para una comunicación eficaz. El hecho de que la sesión se ajustara a las directrices del Ministerio de Educación subrayó su valor educativo, convirtiéndola en un paso fundamental en el camino de los alumnos hacia la competencia lingüística y expresión oral y escrita en la lengua inglesa.
In a dynamic English class adapted to junior high school students, we focus on the problem of writing a text in the English language. This session was carefully designed to fit Competency 3 of the Ministry of Education curriculum, which focuses on training students to develop various English texts. The class theme "What is your daily routine?”. It resonates with students of all ages and backgrounds to express their habits. During the session, students were able to share their daily routine. The main objective of the class is to develop Performance 3, which consists of producing coherent written texts in English using the necessary grammar and vocabulary. Using a carefully structured plan, students are introduced to relevant vocabulary associated with their daily routine and guided in the use of grammatical structures necessary for effective expression. The class included interactive elements such as vocabulary exercises, phrase training activities and writing assignments. The highlight of the session is a text in which students work individually. They composed short sentences about their daily routine. In this application we practice the newly acquired knowledge that allowed students to develop their skills in a concrete way. During the session, the teacher developed a learning environment in a fun and didactic way encouraging active participation and responding to the doubts of the students. The commitment was evident when they described their daily routine to their peers, in which they received constructive comments that improved both their ability to produce a text and their safety in using the English language. In conclusion, this class not only provided students with a way to focus on the ability to express and write about their daily routine, but also provided them with certain language tools necessary for effective communication. The fact that the session conformed to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education underlined its educational value, making it a fundamental step in the students' journey towards linguistic competence and oral and written expression in the English language.
In a dynamic English class adapted to junior high school students, we focus on the problem of writing a text in the English language. This session was carefully designed to fit Competency 3 of the Ministry of Education curriculum, which focuses on training students to develop various English texts. The class theme "What is your daily routine?”. It resonates with students of all ages and backgrounds to express their habits. During the session, students were able to share their daily routine. The main objective of the class is to develop Performance 3, which consists of producing coherent written texts in English using the necessary grammar and vocabulary. Using a carefully structured plan, students are introduced to relevant vocabulary associated with their daily routine and guided in the use of grammatical structures necessary for effective expression. The class included interactive elements such as vocabulary exercises, phrase training activities and writing assignments. The highlight of the session is a text in which students work individually. They composed short sentences about their daily routine. In this application we practice the newly acquired knowledge that allowed students to develop their skills in a concrete way. During the session, the teacher developed a learning environment in a fun and didactic way encouraging active participation and responding to the doubts of the students. The commitment was evident when they described their daily routine to their peers, in which they received constructive comments that improved both their ability to produce a text and their safety in using the English language. In conclusion, this class not only provided students with a way to focus on the ability to express and write about their daily routine, but also provided them with certain language tools necessary for effective communication. The fact that the session conformed to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education underlined its educational value, making it a fundamental step in the students' journey towards linguistic competence and oral and written expression in the English language.
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Discipline: Educación Secundaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Facultad de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación
Grade or title: Licenciada en Educación Secundaria Mención Idiomas: Inglés Francés
Juror: Angulo Montoya, Eduardo Wilson; Del Rosario Alfaro, Jose Leonardo; Aguilar Carrera, Erika Del Carmen; Rodriguez Sanchez, Silvia Verónica
Register date: 2-Jul-2024
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