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Título: "Representaciones sociales sobre el examen de Papanicolau desde la perspectiva de las mujeres"
Fecha de publicación: 10-jul-2017
Institución: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Resumen: El estudio de investigación de tipo cualitativo con enfoque de Representaciones Sociales, se realizó en el Hospital Pacasmayo – Provincia de Pacasmayo – La Libertad a mujeres que asistieron a realizarse el examen de Papanicolaou a los consultorios de Ginecología y Obstetricia, con la finalidad de conocer las Repre sentaciones Sociales sobre el Papanicolaou. El sujeto de participación estuvo c onstituido por veinticinco mujeres de diferentes edades. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada elaborada por las autoras. La i nformación obtenida fue transcrita mediante la selección de categorías: “Preven ción del Cáncer”, “Vergüenza y Dolor”, “Temor a los Resultados” y analizada se gún bibliografía. Después del análisis se llegó a las siguientes consideraciones finales: El examen del Papanicolaou (PAP) es considerado un método para pre venir el cáncer de cuello uterino y la prueba más rápida para llegar a un diagnó stico; una de las principales causas por las que la mujer no quiere recibir los re sultados del Papanicolaou es por el temor a que estos salgan positivos; las muj eres en estudio expresaron vergüenza y dolor frente a la realización del PAP, p or ser un examen vaginal que se realiza en un ambiente muchas veces poco pri vado y puede ser una experiencia desagradable.
Nota: The qualitative research study with a focus on Social Representations was carried out at the Pacasmayo - Pacasmayo - La Libertad Hospital to women who attended the Papanicolaou examination at the Gynecology and Obstetrics clinic, in order to know the Social Representations on the Papanicolaou. The subject of participation consisted of twenty-five women of different ages. For the data collection, a semi-structured interview elaborated by the authors was used. The information obtained was transcribed through the selection of categories: "Cancer Prevention", "Shame and Pain", "Fear of Results" and analyzed according to bibliography. After the analysis the following final considerations were reached: The Pap test is considered a method to prevent cervical cancer and the fastest test to arrive at a diagnosis; One of the main causes why the woman does not want to receive the results of the Papanicolaou is the fear that they will be positive; The women in the study expressed embarrassment and pain in the face of PAP, because it is a vaginal examination performed in an often unpopular environment and can be an unpleasant experience.The qualitative research study with a focus on Social Representations was carried out at the Pacasmayo - Pacasmayo - La Libertad Hospital to women who attended the Papanicolaou examination at the Gynecology and Obstetrics clinic, in order to know the Social Representations on the Papanicolaou. The subject of participation consisted of twenty-five women of different ages. For the data collection, a semi-structured interview elaborated by the authors was used. The information obtained was transcribed through the selection of categories: "Cancer Prevention", "Shame and Pain", "Fear of Results" and analyzed according to bibliography. After the analysis the following final considerations were reached: The Pap test is considered a method to prevent cervical cancer and the fastest test to arrive at a diagnosis; One of the main causes why the woman does not want to receive the results of the Papanicolaou is the fear that they will be positive; The women in the study expressed embarrassment and pain in the face of PAP, because it is a vaginal examination performed in an often unpopular environment and can be an unpleasant experience.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Enfermería
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.Facultad de Enfermería
Grado o título: Licenciado en Enfermería
Fecha de registro: 8-sep-2017

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