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Title: Tratamiento fisioterapéutico en laminectomía lumbar
Advisor(s): Morales Martínez, Marx Engels
Issue Date: 29-Apr-2019
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: La columna vertebral posee tres características fundamentales que permiten una correcta funcionabilidad; dotar de rigidez para soportar cargas, proteger las estructuras del sistema nervioso central y otorgar una adecuada movilidad y flexibilidad para los principales movimientos del tronco. Si se produce una alteración en cualquiera de los elementos que forman la unidad funcional de la columna vertebral, puede aparecer dolor y es fácil que las posturas y movimientos efectuados en las actividades de la vida diaria y en las actividades deportivas empiecen a actuar de manera perjudicial. Entre un 60 y 80% de la población general sufre de dolor lumbar en algún momento de su vida. La mayoría de estos individuos se recuperan antes de transcurridas las 6 semanas, pero entre un 5 y 15% no responden al tratamiento y tienen una incapacidad continuada. La cirugía tiene claramente su lugar en el tratamiento de los trastornos de la columna lumbar, una de estas técnicas de cirugía es la Laminectomía Lumbar, que consiste en la extirpación quirúrgica de una o varias apófisis espinosas y las láminas en la región de la columna vertebral. A menudo se realiza para aliviar la presión dentro del conducto vertebral o de las raíces de los nervios. El papel del Fisioterapeuta después de realizado la Cirugía de Laminectomía Lumbar cumple un rol muy importante e indispensable en la elaboración de un plan de tratamiento para la recuperación del paciente y la incorporación a sus actividades de la vida diaria y reincorporación a la sociedad.

The spine has three fundamental characteristics that allow correct functionality; provide rigidity to support loads, protect the structures of the central nervous system and provide adequate mobility and flexibility for the main movements of the trunk. If there is an alteration in any of the elements that make up the functional unit of the spine, pain may appear and it is easy for the postures and movements made in the activities of daily life and sports activities to start acting in a harmful way. Between 60 and 80% of the general population suffers from low back pain at some point in their life. Most of these individuals recover before 6 weeks, but between 5 and 15% do not respond to treatment and have a continuous disability. Surgery clearly has its place in the treatment of disorders of the lumbar spine, one of these surgical techniques is Lumbar Laminectomy, which consists of the surgical removal of one or several spinous processes and the laminae in the region of the spine. It is often done to relieve pressure inside the spinal canal or the roots of the nerves. The role of the Physiotherapist after performing the Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery plays a very important and indispensable role in the elaboration of a treatment plan for the recovery of the patient and the incorporation into their activities of daily life and reincorporation into society

The spine has three fundamental characteristics that allow correct functionality; provide rigidity to support loads, protect the structures of the central nervous system and provide adequate mobility and flexibility for the main movements of the trunk. If there is an alteration in any of the elements that make up the functional unit of the spine, pain may appear and it is easy for the postures and movements made in the activities of daily life and sports activities to start acting in a harmful way. Between 60 and 80% of the general population suffers from low back pain at some point in their life. Most of these individuals recover before 6 weeks, but between 5 and 15% do not respond to treatment and have a continuous disability. Surgery clearly has its place in the treatment of disorders of the lumbar spine, one of these surgical techniques is Lumbar Laminectomy, which consists of the surgical removal of one or several spinous processes and the laminae in the region of the spine. It is often done to relieve pressure inside the spinal canal or the roots of the nerves. The role of the Physiotherapist after performing the Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery plays a very important and indispensable role in the elaboration of a treatment plan for the recovery of the patient and the incorporation into their activities of daily life and reincorporation into society
Discipline: Terapia física y Rehabilitación
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Tecnología médica
Grade or title: Licenciado en Terapia física y Rehabilitación
Register date: 6-Sep-2019

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