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Zambrano, M., (2024). Manejo de la atención inmediata del recién nacido en el centro de salud “San Bartolo”, Lima-2024 [Universidad María Auxiliadora].
Zambrano, M., Manejo de la atención inmediata del recién nacido en el centro de salud “San Bartolo”, Lima-2024 []. PE: Universidad María Auxiliadora; 2024.
title = "Manejo de la atención inmediata del recién nacido en el centro de salud “San Bartolo”, Lima-2024",
author = "Zambrano Castillo, María",
publisher = "Universidad María Auxiliadora",
year = "2024"
Title: Manejo de la atención inmediata del recién nacido en el centro de salud “San Bartolo”, Lima-2024
Other Titles: Management of immediate care of the newborn at the “San Bartolo” health center, Lima-2024
Authors(s): Zambrano Castillo, María
Advisor(s): Matta Solís, Eduardo Percy
Keywords: Atención inmediata; Recién nacido; Centro de salud; Immediate attention; Newborn; Health center
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 17-Sep-2024
Institution: Universidad María Auxiliadora
Abstract: Objetivo: determinar el nivel de manejo de la Atención
Inmediata del Recién Nacido por el profesional de enfermería en
el Centro de Salud “San Bartolo” Lima– 2024.
Materiales y Métodos: el presente proyecto de investigación
será de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo no experimental de corte
transversal y se desarrollará en el Centro de Salud “San Bartolo”,
Ubicado en el Distrito de San Bartolo, Provincia de Lima, Departamento de Lima. La población de estudio estará
conformada por 32 profesionales de enfermería que laboran
actualmente en el Centro de Salud “San Bartolo”. La muestra se
obtendrá aplicando el diseño no probabilístico; es decir se
trabajará con el 100% de la población. La recopilación de la
información se aplicará la técnica de la encuesta, usándose un
cuestionario estructurado que permitirá medir la variable sobre
el manejo de la atención inmediata del recién nacido.
Resultados: para estudiar el comportamiento del fenómeno en
estudio, será a través de un resumen o síntesis de la información
obtenida, en nuestro caso será el estudio de las características
del manejo de la atención inmediata del recién nacido por parte
del personal de enfermería del CS en mención, el mismo que se
puede lograr a través de procesos estadísticos o análisis
Conclusiones: las conclusiones se desarrollarán bajo la
observancia de los objetivos planteados en el presente proyecto,
verificando los resultados, el producto del análisis descriptivo y
las gráficas que ilustraran las tendencias lo cual nos permitirá
concluir objetivamente.
Objective: determine the level of management of Immediate Newborn Care by the nursing professional at the “San Bartolo” Lima Health Center – 2024. Materials and Methods: this research project will be quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional and will be developed at the “San Bartolo” Health Center, Located in the District of San Bartolo, Province of Lima, Department of Lima. The study population will be made up of 32 nursing professionals who currently work at the “San Bartolo” Health Center. The sample will be obtained by applying the non-probabilistic design; That is, we will work with 100% of the population. The collection of information will apply the survey technique, using a structured questionnaire that will allow measuring the variable on the management of immediate care of the newborn. Results: to study the behavior of the phenomenon under study, it will be through a summary or synthesis of the information obtained, in our case it will be the study of the characteristics of the management of the immediate care of the newborn by the nursing staff of the CS in mention, the same that can be achieved through statistical processes or descriptive analysis. Conclusions: the conclusions will be developed under the observance of the objectives set out in this project, verifying the results, the product of the descriptive analysis and the graphs that will illustrate the trends which will allow us to conclude objectively.
Objective: determine the level of management of Immediate Newborn Care by the nursing professional at the “San Bartolo” Lima Health Center – 2024. Materials and Methods: this research project will be quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional and will be developed at the “San Bartolo” Health Center, Located in the District of San Bartolo, Province of Lima, Department of Lima. The study population will be made up of 32 nursing professionals who currently work at the “San Bartolo” Health Center. The sample will be obtained by applying the non-probabilistic design; That is, we will work with 100% of the population. The collection of information will apply the survey technique, using a structured questionnaire that will allow measuring the variable on the management of immediate care of the newborn. Results: to study the behavior of the phenomenon under study, it will be through a summary or synthesis of the information obtained, in our case it will be the study of the characteristics of the management of the immediate care of the newborn by the nursing staff of the CS in mention, the same that can be achieved through statistical processes or descriptive analysis. Conclusions: the conclusions will be developed under the observance of the objectives set out in this project, verifying the results, the product of the descriptive analysis and the graphs that will illustrate the trends which will allow us to conclude objectively.
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Discipline: Enfermería en Salud Familiar y Comunitaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad María Auxiliadora. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud.
Grade or title: Especialista en Enfermería en Salud Familiar y Comunitaria
Register date: 15-Oct-2024
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