Bibliographic citations
Barrenechea, F., Carnero, M. (2021). Conciencia emocional y autonomía en el aprendizaje desde la percepción de los estudiantes del 5º al 10º Ciclo de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial, en una universidad privada de Lima, durante el periodo 2020 II [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Barrenechea, F., Carnero, M. Conciencia emocional y autonomía en el aprendizaje desde la percepción de los estudiantes del 5º al 10º Ciclo de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial, en una universidad privada de Lima, durante el periodo 2020 II []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Conciencia emocional y autonomía en el aprendizaje desde la percepción de los estudiantes del 5º al 10º Ciclo de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial, en una universidad privada de Lima, durante el periodo 2020 II",
author = "Carnero Pacheco, Mildred Gissela",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
This research work aims to describeemotional awareness and autonomy in learning from the perception of students from the 5th to the10th cycleof theFaculty of Industrial Engineering, at a private university in Lima.The participants were 17 students and 5 higher education teachers.The research presents a methodological framework with qualitative approach, descriptive scope and phenomenological design.The semi-structured focus group and interview techniques with their respective instruments were used for the data collection and interpretation procedure, and the methodological model of hermeneutic triangulation was used for the data analysis and interpretation procedure.The findings of this study reflect that, in the first variable, emotional awareness, students claim to recognize their own emotions and understand other people's emotions, however, it is evidenced that they only handle more non-practical or lively basic and theoretical concepts, so they have no clarity in recognition and emotional management.As for the second variable, autonomy in learning, students who claim to make decisions, who develop plans, goals and achieve goals, however, are evidenced to handle basic notions, but are still confused and lack the order and structure to execute their plans and achieve results.It is concluded thatlittle precision is available to describe emotional awareness and autonomy in learning from the perception of students, because they have basic, theoretical and confusing notions of both subjects.However, this allows to establish proposals to build learningsand develop skills, in order to becomeaware of their emotional world (emotional awareness) and make decisions (autonomy in learning) in an appropriate, efficient and effective way.
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