Citas bibligráficas
Abarca, L., (2018). Gestión curricular en el manejo de estrategias en las prácticas de psicomotricidad en el nivel de educación inicial de la institución educativa N° 298 de la provincia de Ilo - Moquegua [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Abarca, L., Gestión curricular en el manejo de estrategias en las prácticas de psicomotricidad en el nivel de educación inicial de la institución educativa N° 298 de la provincia de Ilo - Moquegua [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en el manejo de estrategias en las prácticas de psicomotricidad en el nivel de educación inicial de la institución educativa N° 298 de la provincia de Ilo - Moquegua",
author = "Abarca Salas, Leslye Maribel",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The present work was born mainly due to the director's identification of the problems that affect boys and girls in their gross and fine motor development, which personally motivates the author to strengthen the teaching team on this subject. The action plan is called "Curricular management in the management of strategies in psychomotricity practices at the initial education level of the educational institution No. 298 UPIS Miramar in the province of Ilo-Moquegua, the main objective being to strengthen curricular management in the management of strategies in psychomotricity practices at the initial education level of the Educational Institution No. 298 UPIS Miramar in the province of Ilo-Moquegua, the participants being the Director and 5 teachers of the initial level. The methodology to be used is the assumed design of participatory action research, which is a variant of the Action Research design, since according to Hernández et al. (2014), this design occurs "When a problem in a community needs to be resolved and a change is intended to be achieved" and instruments such as the categorized survey, unstructured observation, the questionnaire and the field notebook. The diagnosis has been raised, and the problem has been identified, the same that has been identified by the director and socialized with the teaching team through the focus group strategy, thus finding the most appropriate alternative solution. A search for conceptual and theoretical references has been carried out in order to propose a coherent and relevant proposal. During the process, various actions of cooperative, collaborative teaching work have been deployed, directed towards the solution of a problem detected at the institutional level, developing and strengthening various teamwork capacities, transversal approaches oriented to the common good, the search for excellence, inclusion and attention to diversity among others. It is for the director of imperative need to develop and implement this Action Plan.
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