Citas bibligráficas
Deza, G., (2018). Gestión en la planificación curricular en el nivel primario de la Institución Educativa N°43084 Santa Rosa de la provincia General Sánchez Cerro - Moquegua [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Deza, G., Gestión en la planificación curricular en el nivel primario de la Institución Educativa N°43084 Santa Rosa de la provincia General Sánchez Cerro - Moquegua [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión en la planificación curricular en el nivel primario de la Institución Educativa N°43084 Santa Rosa de la provincia General Sánchez Cerro - Moquegua",
author = "Deza Condori, Gregorio Dionicio",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
Addressing the theoretical and practical study of curricular planning processes is essential, especially if the results in learning achievements are not as expected, which is why we carry out the Action Plan called Curricular Management in planning, starting with the annual programming, didactic units and sessions, for the improvement of learning achievements through a collegiate work plan with the teachers of the Educational Institution No. 43084 Santa Rosa, General Sánchez Cerro province, Moquegua region, whose central objective is to strengthen the management in curricular planning. The Action Plan that is presented is a proposal for the improvement of short-term pedagogical leadership, it is supported by the information obtained during the diagnosis stage with the objective that teachers improve curricular planning processes, through training actions. and self-training through Inter-Learning Groups (GIAs) or professional learning communities, carrying out collegiate work and accompanying them throughout the unit planning process; To verify the progress and changes, the field notebook, observation sheet and interview guide will be used to generate the basic guidelines that allow us to improve teaching practice and achieve the expected skills and abilities. Likewise, working in an isolated and individualistic way does not allow teachers to have another look in order to improve not only in the way of programming, but also in the improvement of teaching mechanisms, through the exchange of methodological strategies; therefore, collegiate work and learning processes play an important role in achieving better results in both teaching and student learning. In this process, the Director of the Institution plays a leading role through the exercise of leadership pedagogical, with an adequate Monitoring Plan and pertinent accompaniment that will allow leading the changes that must be evidenced in the improvement of the Planning of the didactic units and the learning achievements of the students.
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