Citas bibligráficas
Panduro, P., (2019). Propuesta curricular para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en el área de ciencias sociales en los estudiantes de primer año de secundaria del distrito de Morales, San Martín. [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Panduro, P., Propuesta curricular para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en el área de ciencias sociales en los estudiantes de primer año de secundaria del distrito de Morales, San Martín. [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2019.
title = "Propuesta curricular para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en el área de ciencias sociales en los estudiantes de primer año de secundaria del distrito de Morales, San Martín.",
author = "Panduro Peña, Percy",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2019"
The present work of professional proficiency is the result of a deep scientific investigation. Here the curricular proposal is presented to the develop critical thinking in the estudents of the first grade of secondary, based on the competency-based learning approach and that finds its foundation in the socio-cognitive humanist paradigm. In the first chapter of this work is the planning that was done and in which the description and title of the work was considered. Likewise, the diagnosis and characteristics of the high School and the justification for its development and application. The second chapter contains the theoretical framework that supports the application of the Humanist Sociocognitive Paradigm. This begins with the theoretical bases that include the Cognitive Paradigm, the Socio-culturalcontextual paradigm and the theories of intelligence, to finally define the nature of the Paradigm, the methodology and the evaluation. Finally, the third chapter contemplates curricular programming, which includes the following elements: Competences of the area, learning standards, performance of the area, panel of abilities and skills and the definition of the same; cognitive processes of skills, learning methods, panel of values and attitudes and their definitions; diagnostic evaluation, annual programming and and the conceptual framework of the contents. The specific programming that includes the learning unit N ° 04, the conceptual network of the same, the activities as learning strategies, a learning guide for the students, support materials and the process and final evaluations of unit.
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