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Vilela, R., (2021). Construcción de un instrumento de medición de la resistencia al cambio en educadores [Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Vilela, R., Construcción de un instrumento de medición de la resistencia al cambio en educadores []. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2021.
title = "Construcción de un instrumento de medición de la resistencia al cambio en educadores",
author = "Vilela Montenegro, Roxana Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2021"
Título: Construcción de un instrumento de medición de la resistencia al cambio en educadores
Autor(es): Vilela Montenegro, Roxana Patricia
Asesor(es): Salgado Lévano, Ana Cecilia
Palabras clave: Resistencia al cambio; Docente; Psicometría
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Institución: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat
Resumen: El objetivo general del presente estudio fue construir y determinar las propiedades
psicométricas de un instrumento de medición de la resistencia al cambio en educadores.
El diseño correspondió a una investigación instrumental. La muestra estuvo conformada
por 300 educadores, de los cuales 117 fueron varones y 183 mujeres, de 20 a 69 años que
laboraban en instituciones educativas públicas del distrito de Surco. Se hallaron las
evidencias de la validez basada en el contenido a través de la consulta de 10 jueces
expertos, para lo que se utilizó el coeficiente de V de Aiken, obteniendo un valor de 0,95.
Se encontraron las evidencias de la validez basada en la estructura interna a través del
análisis factorial exploratorio, hallando ítems que se agruparon en cuatro dimensiones:
Capacidad de adaptabilidad frente a los cambios, Capacidad de Innovación frente a los
cambios, Tolerancia y Preparación frente a los cambios, y Aumento de Responsabilidades.
Los cuatro factores en su conjunto obtuvieron una varianza acumulada de 47,24 %. La
confiabilidad por medio de la consistencia interna del cuestionario se halló a través del
coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach obteniéndose el valor de 0.80 para el puntaje total. Se
concluye que el instrumento presenta evidencias de validez y confiabilidad por lo que es
útil para medir la Resistencia al cambio en educadores. Las implicancias de los resultados
han sido discutidas.
The main objective in this present study was to build and determine the psychometric properties of an instrument of resistance to change in educators. The design corresponded to an instrumental investigation. The research was made in 300 educators: 117 male and 183 female between 20 and 69 years old who work in public educational institutions in Surco district. The evidence of content based validity was found through the assessment of 10 expert judges, for which the coefficient of Aiken´s V was used, obtaining a value of 0,95. The evidence based on internal structure validity was found through the exploratory factor analysis, finding items that saturated in four dimensions: Ability to adapt to changes, the ability to innovate facing changes, tolerance and preparation for change, and the increase of responsibilities. The four factors together had a cumulative variance of 47,24. The reliability through the internal consistency of the questionnaire was found through sufficient the alpha coefficient of Cronbach obtaining the value of 0,80 for the final score. The conclusion is that the instrument presents validity and reliability, for which is useful to measure the resistance to change in educators. The implications of the results have been discussed.
The main objective in this present study was to build and determine the psychometric properties of an instrument of resistance to change in educators. The design corresponded to an instrumental investigation. The research was made in 300 educators: 117 male and 183 female between 20 and 69 years old who work in public educational institutions in Surco district. The evidence of content based validity was found through the assessment of 10 expert judges, for which the coefficient of Aiken´s V was used, obtaining a value of 0,95. The evidence based on internal structure validity was found through the exploratory factor analysis, finding items that saturated in four dimensions: Ability to adapt to changes, the ability to innovate facing changes, tolerance and preparation for change, and the increase of responsibilities. The four factors together had a cumulative variance of 47,24. The reliability through the internal consistency of the questionnaire was found through sufficient the alpha coefficient of Cronbach obtaining the value of 0,80 for the final score. The conclusion is that the instrument presents validity and reliability, for which is useful to measure the resistance to change in educators. The implications of the results have been discussed.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Educación Mención en Gestión Educativa
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat. Escuela de Posgrado Programa de Maestría
Grado o título: Maestro en Educación Mención en Gestión Educativa
Jurado: Latorre Ariño, Marino; Montoya Farro, Doris; Ugarriza Chávez, Nelly
Fecha de registro: 15-jul-2021
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