Bibliographic citations
Huillca, M., (2018). Gestión curricular para atender los aprendizajes en el área de matemática en la I.E. 32384 Cesar Octavio Vergara Tello- Llata- Huamalíes-Huánuco-2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Huillca, M., Gestión curricular para atender los aprendizajes en el área de matemática en la I.E. 32384 Cesar Octavio Vergara Tello- Llata- Huamalíes-Huánuco-2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular para atender los aprendizajes en el área de matemática en la I.E. 32384 Cesar Octavio Vergara Tello- Llata- Huamalíes-Huánuco-2018",
author = "Huillca Cruz, Mario",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The fundamental nature of this Action Plan "Curricular Management to address learning in the Mathematics Area at IE 32384 Cesar Octavio Vergara Tello-of the district of Llata-Huamalíes-Huánuco-2018" lies in the ability that managers have to diagnose , justify, prioritize institutional problems and propose viable, relevant and effective alternatives as a solution measure; exercising and strengthening my managerial leadership with a pedagogical approach, since it outlines the improvement of learning, a situation that takes precedence in the current managerial approach. The general objective that this Action Plan intends to achieve is the improvement of Curricular Management with the application of didactic strategies in the area of mathematics by teachers; The main actors that intervene in the Action Plan are constituted in the first place by the Students, who are the supreme and last goal of the educational action; likewise the team of teachers who directly assume the pedagogical function; without neglecting the valuable presence of parents and the organized community as well as the educational instances of the sector, finally all these actors led by the management team. The action plan contains a well-structured proposal to deal with the prioritized problem; establishing a schedule of activities, responsible and the allocation of resources in the period of time expected to be executed; considers the monitoring, accompaniment and evaluative follow-up of the processes planned to be executed.
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