Citas bibligráficas
De, C., (2018). Gestión curricular en el uso de los recursos de las tic en el área de matemática del nivel de educación secundaria de la institución educativa Santa Fortunata de la provincia Mariscal Nieto – Moquegua [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
De, C., Gestión curricular en el uso de los recursos de las tic en el área de matemática del nivel de educación secundaria de la institución educativa Santa Fortunata de la provincia Mariscal Nieto – Moquegua [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en el uso de los recursos de las tic en el área de matemática del nivel de educación secundaria de la institución educativa Santa Fortunata de la provincia Mariscal Nieto – Moquegua",
author = "De la Torre Zeballos, Caridad Graciela",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This action plan arises from the need to strengthen the technological skills of teachers in the area of mathematics, as well as the satisfaction of having contributed to improving student learning, this research is entitled Curriculum management in the use of the resources of tics in the area of mathematics at the secondary education level of the Santa Fortunata Educational Institution, whose general objective is to strengthen curricular management in the use of tics in mathematics of secondary education through the implementation of the professional learning community in the Santa Fortunata Educational Institution, Mariscal Nieto province, Moquegua region, the participants in this study are eight teachers in the area of mathematics. In this plan, the methodology is applied with a qualitative approach. Regarding the diagnosis, the interview was used as a technique and the interview guide as an instrument. Regarding the diagnosis, it is evident that teachers who are not very strong in their pedagogical practice do not stimulate reasoning and creativity in students and with traditional practice, all this leads to the main problem of inadequate curricular management in the use of ICT resources in the area of mathematics. This research is based on the categories: Monitoring, Accompaniment and evaluation of teaching practice (MAE), active methodologies and collaborative work, the same ones that are supported by theoretical references, it is also necessary to consider the framework of good managerial performance, the dimensions of Viviane Robinson and the MINEDU fascicles. From the above, it is concluded that the study has solid bases to contribute to solving the problem found. One of the conclusions obtained in the course of this research is the importance of promoting the use of tics in learning sessions through training, continuous monitoring of teachers. From this follows the decision to make this action plan effective, because it will contribute to the professional improvement of the teacher and therefore in the student's learning.
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