Citas bibligráficas
Bejarano, J., (2018). Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de las sesiones de aprendizaje de la Institución Educativa N° 40165 San Juan Bautista de la Salle del distrito de Arequipa - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Bejarano, J., Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de las sesiones de aprendizaje de la Institución Educativa N° 40165 San Juan Bautista de la Salle del distrito de Arequipa - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de las sesiones de aprendizaje de la Institución Educativa N° 40165 San Juan Bautista de la Salle del distrito de Arequipa - Arequipa",
author = "Bejarano Gutiérrez, Jesús Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The desire to improve the quality of service provided by the educational institution in my charge has given rise to the present work entitled: Curricular management in the development of learning sessions at the Educational Institution No. 40165 San Juan Bautista de la Salle in the district of Arequipa - Arequipa, whose general objective is to strengthen curricular management in the development of learning sessions at the Educational Institution 40165 San Juan Bautista de La Salle in the district of Arequipa - Arequipa, with the participation of all the actors involved. Given the nature of the work carried out, an active methodology is applied, which is framed in the processes of applied research, using as the main instrument the problem tree in order to determine the diagnosis of the problem, pointing out the causes and effects of the same, using the focus group to identify the problems arising from inefficient curriculum management, in order to establish the problem to be addressed from which the tree of objectives was derived and to support the alternative solution: Implementation of CPA to improve curriculum planning of learning sessions and the use of educational material in this process. The main objective of this study is to improve the curricular management of the director, in order to improve student performance through the improvement of pedagogical practice, in terms of curricular planning of learning sessions that use didactic processes adequately.
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