Citas bibligráficas
Cullampe, J., (2018). Plan de formación contínua orientada a la evaluación formativa para fortalecer la gestión curricular en la institución educativa pública integrada Nº 00623 Azunguillo, distrito Elías Soplín Vargas, provincia Rioja, región San Martín, 2019 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Cullampe, J., Plan de formación contínua orientada a la evaluación formativa para fortalecer la gestión curricular en la institución educativa pública integrada Nº 00623 Azunguillo, distrito Elías Soplín Vargas, provincia Rioja, región San Martín, 2019 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Plan de formación contínua orientada a la evaluación formativa para fortalecer la gestión curricular en la institución educativa pública integrada Nº 00623 Azunguillo, distrito Elías Soplín Vargas, provincia Rioja, región San Martín, 2019",
author = "Cullampe Mas, Joel",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
With the interest of improving school management in the integrated public educational institution No. 00623 Azunguillo, Elías Soplín Vargas district, Rioja province, San Martín region, we present the action plan whose general objective is to design a proposal for a school improvement plan. curricular planning that strengthens curricular management. The assumed design is that of participatory action research, the technique used is the interview and the instrument used is the semi-structured interview guide, applied to 71 teachers, 3 managers, 1 tutoring coordinator, 1 educational assistant, 3 service workers. , 01 secretary and 01 surveillance personnel, who voluntarily participated in the different actions planned for its formulation, under a participatory action research design and using the semi-structured interview technique, the diagnosis was elaborated, whose most important conclusions express that although it is true that teachers recognize that the I.E. It has a curricular planning, however they show a deficiency in the management of the formative evaluation, the same one that is applied in an incorrect way by the teachers in the school management. It is appropriate to mention that from this academic work the implementation of formative evaluation in EI is strengthened, recognizing that it is essential and that without a doubt it will be implemented in all its depth.
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