Citas bibligráficas
Tovar, L., (2018). Plan de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación para fortalecer la Gestión del MAE en la Institución Educativa N° 64844 de Barrio Unido- Aguaytia 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Tovar, L., Plan de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación para fortalecer la Gestión del MAE en la Institución Educativa N° 64844 de Barrio Unido- Aguaytia 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Plan de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación para fortalecer la Gestión del MAE en la Institución Educativa N° 64844 de Barrio Unido- Aguaytia 2018",
author = "Tovar Jaimes, Lilia Margarita",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The design of the Action Plan was structured to solve the problem identified according to the diagnosis made in the educational institution, its general objective is to design the monitoring, accompaniment and evaluation plan to strengthen the management of the MAE in the educational institution No. 64844 of Barrio Unido, Aguaytía, a director, 5 teachers and parents will participate. In this action plan, it is intended to implement strategies that involve those responsible in the action, where the practice of monitoring and accompaniment becomes the culture of the educational institution, for this, applied research is applied with a qualitative approach, it is taken as a sample 5 teachers who work there, the technique to be used is the interview and the instrument used is the questionnaire. The results of the research that is presented demonstrate the influence of pedagogical monitoring on the professional performance of teachers, at the same time it is intended to strengthen the monitoring, accompaniment and evaluation of the MAE. The director with pedagogical leadership goes before the educational community, falling on him the responsibility of strengthening the human potential in his charge and implementing the classrooms that favor the work of the teacher and facilitate the learning of the students, given a delicate mission it is urgently necessary design a monitoring, accompaniment and evaluation Plan that allows you to exercise pedagogical leadership, above all difficulties, in IE teachers and implement it for its effective application in order to strengthen teaching performance and improve educational quality.
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