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Duárez, M., (2018). Compromiso organizacional y motivación laboral en los docentes de una universidad privada [Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Duárez, M., Compromiso organizacional y motivación laboral en los docentes de una universidad privada []. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Compromiso organizacional y motivación laboral en los docentes de una universidad privada",
author = "Duárez Mendoza, Manuel Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
Title: Compromiso organizacional y motivación laboral en los docentes de una universidad privada
Authors(s): Duárez Mendoza, Manuel Alejandro
Advisor(s): Aguirre Chávez, Felipe
Keywords: Compromiso organizacional; Docentes; Motivación laboral
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2018
Institution: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat
Abstract: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general establecer la relación entre el
compromiso organizacional y la motivación laboral en docentes de educación
superior universitaria. El diseño fue no experimental correlacional. La muestra fue
exahustiva y la conformaron 90 docentes de una universidad privada de Lima, a
quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Compromiso Organizacional OCQ de Meyer y
Allen, y el Cuestionario de Motivación Laboral tomado del Manifiesto de
Necesidades de Steers y Braunstein, obteniéndose que existe una relación
significativa entre la dimensión Afectiva (r=0,52; p=0,001) y la dimensión de
Continuidad (r=0,65; p=0,001), en relación a la Motivación Laboral. Y en menor
significancia para el caso de la dimensión Normativa (r=0,29; p=0,01) del
Compromiso Organizacional en relación a la Motivación Laboral. Con estos
resultados se concluye que existe relación entre las variables motivo de la
investigación (r=0,60; p=0,001). Las implicancias de los resultados han sido
The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between organizational commitment and work motivation in university higher education teachers. The design was non-experimental correlational. The sample was exhaustive and was made up of 90 teachers from a private university in Lima, who were given the Meyer and Allen OCQ Organizational Commitment Scale, and the Labor Motivation Questionnaire taken from the Steers and Braunstein Needs Manifesto. There is a significant relationship between the Affective dimension (r = 0.52, p = 0.001) and the Continuity dimension (r = 0.65, p = 0.001), in relation to the Work Motivation. And in less significance for the case of the Normative dimension (r = 0.29, p = 0.01) of the Organizational Commitment in relation to the Work Motivation. With these results, it is concluded that there is a relation between the variables motive of the investigation (r = 0.60, p = 0.001). The implications of the results have been discussed.
The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between organizational commitment and work motivation in university higher education teachers. The design was non-experimental correlational. The sample was exhaustive and was made up of 90 teachers from a private university in Lima, who were given the Meyer and Allen OCQ Organizational Commitment Scale, and the Labor Motivation Questionnaire taken from the Steers and Braunstein Needs Manifesto. There is a significant relationship between the Affective dimension (r = 0.52, p = 0.001) and the Continuity dimension (r = 0.65, p = 0.001), in relation to the Work Motivation. And in less significance for the case of the Normative dimension (r = 0.29, p = 0.01) of the Organizational Commitment in relation to the Work Motivation. With these results, it is concluded that there is a relation between the variables motive of the investigation (r = 0.60, p = 0.001). The implications of the results have been discussed.
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Discipline: Maestría en docencia y gestión universitaria
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en docencia y gestión universitaria
Juror: Latorre Ariño, Marino; Salgado Lévano, Cecilia; González Quintano, Fernando
Register date: 16-Jun-2021
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