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Title: Estilos de vida y nivel de riesgo cardiovascular en el personal de salud del hospital de lircay, huancavelica – perú 2021
Other Titles: Lifestyles and level of cardiovascular risk in the health personnel of the hospital of lircay, huancavelica – peru 2021
Advisor(s): Mori Castro, Jaime Alberto
OCDE field: http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#3.03.03
Issue Date: 28-Nov-2021
Institution: Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener
Abstract: Lifestyles and level of cardiovascular risk in the health personnel of the hospital of lircay, huancavelica – peru 2021 Lifestyles and level of cardiovascular risk in the health personnel of the hospital of lircay, huancavelica – peru 2021
Discipline: Cuidado Enfermero en Cardiología y Cardiovascular
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Título de Segunda Especialidad en Cuidado Enfermero en Cardiología y Cardiovascular
Juror: Gonzales Saldaña, Susan Haydee; Uturunco Vera, Milagros Lizbeth; Fernandez Rengifo, Werther Fernando
Register date: 18-Mar-2022

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